
November 2020

QUNO moderates panel for the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC

With the postponement of the 26th Conference of the Parties under the UNFCCC (COP26) to November 2021, many in the climate sphere are reflecting on how to keep up the momentum on international climate negotiations as well as support increased ambition on climate action in 2020. This was the central topic discussed by panelists on the “COP26: Ramp Up the Ambition” panel co-hosted by QUNO as part of the “Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action” online events series last week.


Related Areas of Work

December 2020

QUNO Co-hosts Discussion between UN Peace and Development Advisors and Civil Society

As part of its ongoing work with Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs) through the Civil Society – UN Prevention Platform, QUNO co-hosted the virtual event, Strengthening Partnerships: Preventing Conflict Together. This was the second meeting in the Platform’s series to strengthen civil society – UN collaboration through enhanced partnerships with PDAs.


Related Areas of Work

January 2021

QUNO Participates in the Global Launch of the UN Community Engagement Guidelines

The Global Launch of the UN System-wide Community Engagement Guidelines (UNCEG) was an opportunity to present key recommendations from this new tool, which was designed to help strengthen partnerships between the UN and civil society for peacebuilding and sustaining peace. QUNO’s Quaker UN Representative, Megan Schmidt, joined the panel of representatives from the UN and civil society to reflect on ways forward for implementation and practical application of the recommendations.


Related Areas of Work

January 2021

QUNO, WRI and IFOR's webinar series on conscientious objection to military service

QUNO, War Resisters International (WRI) and International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) are pleased to present the details of our next webinar as part of our series on campaigning for conscientious objection to military service. 

This series aims to:


Related Areas of Work

January 2021

QUNO participates in the Youth Forum on Migration

QUNO has been working on the human rights of migrants at the international level to promote the protection of human rights of all regardless of migration status. One of QUNO’s priorities is connecting with others to both learn from and work collaboratively with to ensure the effectiveness of our work.   


Related Areas of Work

February 2021

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service

This updated paper lays out the ways in which conscientious objection has been recognized and is protected under human rights treaties and mechanisms, taking into account developments in international standards that have occurred since 2015. These strengthened standards can be used by frontline organizations as a tool to limit suffering, improve lives and challenge root causes of injustice. 


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

QUNO attends Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured Discussions at the WTO

QUNO’s Sustainable and Just Economic Systems programme has been closely involved in discussions on trade and environment between members at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). In this space, QUNO prioritises supporting members to work collaboratively on trade policies which support global environmental sustainability and ensure a sustainable and just future for all.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

QUNO co-edits book: “New Paths and Policies towards Conflict Prevention”

The recently published book, “New Paths and Policies towards Conflict Prevention,” co-edited by QUNO’s UN Representative, Rachel Madenyika, shares the learnings from a series of relationship-building dialogues between Chinese and Swiss scholars, convened by QUNO New York.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

QUNO NY Programme Assistants Present at Friends Biannual Meeting

QUNO NY Programme Assistants (PAs), Molly Burger and Hannah Patterson, presented about QUNO to Quakers at the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) Section of the Americas Meeting. The biannual Meeting was held virtually this year due to COVID-19, but still drew together Quakers from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean for worship, workshops, and activities. Molly and Hannah found this virtual space quite engaging in sharing the role of QUNO at the UN, as well as their experiences as Programme Assistants.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

Statement on hate speech and minorities at the Human Rights Council

In line with our continued efforts to strengthen the human rights of migrants, QUNO delivered an oral statement at the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council as part of the interactive dialogue with the  Special Rapporteur on minority issues. (Full statement available below)


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

Statement on racial discrimination and migration governance at the Human Rights Council

As part of our recent efforts to raise the issue of racial injustice in migration governance, QUNO had the opportunity to address the 46th session of the Human Rights Council as part of the Panel Debate on Racial Discrimination. (Full video of the statement available below)


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

The Right to a Healthy Environment at the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council

Efforts to establish a universal human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment continue at the Human Rights Council. 

On 10th March, at the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council, QUNO's Human Impacts of Climate Change programme endorsed a joint statement by the Right to a Healthy Environment Campaign, under the General Debate on Item 3, calling for the Council to adopt the universal right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

The 2021 QUNO Review is now available online

Our new, March 2021 edition of the QUNO Review is now available online. The annual review provides a brief introduction to QUNO and our way of working, as well as an overview of each of our programme areas. Learn more about our past year of our work and see where we are headed in 2021.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

Kyoto Pledge on Child Rights and Criminal Justice

Together with partner organisations who champion the child rights in criminal justice systems we are calling on all actors to support the vision expressed in our Kyoto Pledge for Child Rights and Criminal Justice. Released ahead of the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice the Pledge sets out a vision for criminal justice systems in which children are seen, children are heard, and children’s rights are upheld and asks States and others to commit to:


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

Sustaining Peace: A report on how human rights can help

As part of long-term work on integrating human rights and sustaining peace, QUNO has written a public report entitled ‘Sustaining Peace: How can human rights help? 2016 – 2020 retrospective.’ The report builds on learnings from a joint project with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which focused on Operative Paragraph 11 of the 2016 Sustaining Peace resolutions.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

Addressing inequalities central to the path to recovery and reform after Covid-19

QUNO welcomes the UN High Commissioner’s report on Covid-19 and human rights and its emphasis on structural inequality and discrimination.  In an oral statement to the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council we responded to this report, focusing on the human rights of migrants. (Full video of the statement is available below)


Related Areas of Work

April 2021

QUNO launches new publication How to be a Hero for all our Children

QUNO’s Human Impacts of Climate Change programme is pleased to launch their new publication “How to be a Hero for All our Children”. Gathering climate science from the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), alongside suggested personal actions and questions for politicians, “How to be a Hero” is an accessible resource to share with local communities and as part of educational initiatives.


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