
October 2019

QUNO welcomes the launch of UN Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty

The Child Rights Connect Working Group on Children of Incarcerated Parents, which QUNO co-convenes, welcomes the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty. We particularly welcome the Study’s detailed discussion on the rights of children living in prison with a parent, and the research which has been undertaken on this crucial subject.

Laurel Townhead, Human Rights and Refugees Representative for the Quaker United Nations Office and co-convenor of the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Children of Incarcerated Parents said:


Related Areas of Work

October 2019

QUNO participates on AFSC-led panel on restricted civic space at annual Peace Con event

Focusing on the theme, “Seizing the Moment for Peace in a Disrupted World,” the annual Alliance for Peacebuilding gathering, Peace Con, provided a timely opportunity for convening the global peacebuilding community to explore a range of issues impacting the field. One such topic that was a reoccurring theme for discussion across sessions was the global closing of civic space and the adverse impact this is having on initiatives to build and sustain peace.


Related Areas of Work

November 2019

Paris Peace Forum

In November 2019, Joachim Monkelbaan participated for the second time in the Paris Peace Forum. The Paris Peace Forum is an international event on issues of global governance and multilateralism that is held annually in Paris. Joachim liaised with heads of international organisations, representatives of civil society (such as non-governmental organizations, private corporations, trade unions, think tanks, experts, journalists, media) for detailed discussions of major global challenges to sustainable development and finding practical solutions.


Related Areas of Work

November 2019

QUNO hosts Geneva Peace Week event on the private sector’s role in sustaining peace

During Geneva Peace Week in November, the Sustainable & Just Economic Systems programme organized a side event on this topic and the role of the private sector in different aspects of conflict resolution and sustaining peace, which require the combined effort of many different groups, agencies and sectors. Currently, more than half of the 22 countries that are in the process of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) are considered fragile conflict-affected States. They face specific challenges in building their economic foundation and integrating into the global economy.


Related Areas of Work

November 2019

Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty

For over a decade, QUNO has worked to draw attention to the rights of children of incarcerated parents and to strengthen standards and guidance to better protect their rights.

QUNO Geneva has warmly welcomed the publication of the full version of the UN’s Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty, following their significant contributions to its contents.


Related Areas of Work

November 2019

2020 Edition of A Government Official's Toolkit is now available online

A Government Official’s Toolkit: inspiring urgent climate action, with 12 concise cases and 231 quotes referenced to over 100 published papers (now including the IPCC Special Reports on: Global Warming of 1.5C Climate Change and Land Ocean and Crysophere in a Changing Climate) is now available online.


Related Areas of Work

November 2019

Roundtable: Integrating Human Rights and Sustaining Peace

For Geneva Peace Week 2019, QUNO and Interpeace organised a self-reflective roundtable on Integrating Human Rights and Sustaining Peace. The roundtable brought together peacebuilders to share their reflections on how to creatively traverse the disciplinary, policy and practice divides between the human rights and peacebuilding fields.


Related Areas of Work

November 2019

Creating a Future for All: Climate Justice and Peacebuilding

On November 6th, QUNO co-organized an event with the Graduate Institute's Environmental Committee and the Interparliamentary Union for Geneva Peace Week, which focused on the links between peacebuilding and climate change. The well-attended panel explored integrating gender into climate-resilient peacebuilding, international linkages, and the necessity of public participation in all aspects of peacebuilding and climate change. Please find the full summary and Lindsey Fielder Cook (QUNO Representative Human Impacts of Climate Change)'s remarks below.


Related Areas of Work

December 2019

QUNO NY Director addresses the annual session of the Peacebuilding Commission

Every year, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) holds an annual session that brings together UN and Member State colleagues to focus on timely and key peacebuilding challenges and opportunities. This year's meeting, held on 4 December, focused on peacebuilding in Africa, particularly in the Sahel, Lake Chad Basin and Mano River Union regions. Key issues in focus included the transborder threats of armed extremism, underdevelopment, climate change and gender-based violence.


Related Areas of Work

January 2020

QUNO and the UN Peacebuilding Support Office host a conversation on the Peacebuilding Fund investment plan

The UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), launched in 2006 and managed by the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO), is the United Nations’ financing tool and investor of first resort in countries emerging from or at risk of descending into violent conflict. Through its programming, the PBF supports peacebuilding processes, addresses crucial gaps to build peace, and provides rapid resources when support may not yet be available from other funding mechanisms.  


Related Areas of Work

February 2020

Human Rights of Migrants at HRC 43

As part of its ongoing work on the human rights of migrants, QUNO delivered an oral statement to the Human Rights Council, urging the Council to take more focused and sustained action on the issue. Laurel Townhead, QUNO’s Representative for Human Rights and Refugees, listed the names of three of the thousands of migrants who have lost their lives, drawing attention to the individual human beings behind migration statistics.


Related Areas of Work

February 2020

QUNO co-hosts first of a series of discussions on Prevention

In February, QUNO was pleased to co-host the launch of the Civil Society-UN Prevention Platform’s  discussion series on prevention. The Platform’s timely discussions aim to support and contribute to building the collective capacity of the UN community in New York and beyond to advance prevention particularly as it relates to the Secretary-General’s vision for prevention.


Related Areas of Work

February 2020

QUNO co-hosts the third annual civil society briefing with Under-Secretary-General Menéndez

On 4 February, the Civil Society-UN Prevention Platform (the Platform) held its third annual informal, off the record briefing with Under-Secretary-General (USG) and Senior Policy Advisor, Ms. Ana María Menéndez. Ms. Menéndez has played a central role in Secretary-General António Guterres’s focus on prevention since starting the position in June 2017. 


Related Areas of Work

March 2020

QUNO contributions at the 52nd meeting of the IPCC

QUNO, through the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), is the only faith-based observer at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  The IPCC collates the latest climate research worldwide to advise governments on effective climate policy.  At the latest IPCC Meeting, held from 24-28 February in Paris, countries negotiated an outline for the Synthesis Report of the upcoming 6th Assessment Report, to be released in 2022.  Content in the Synthesis Report is critical as few policy makers read the entire Assessment Reports, which are often over 1000 pages long.


Related Areas of Work

March 2020

Enhancing prevention - leveraging the mandate of the Human Rights Council

Building on its long-term work on integrating human rights and sustaining peace, QUNO has been supporting work led by the three rapporteurs in charge of implementing resolution 38/18 on ‘the contribution of the Human Rights Council (HRC) to the prevention of human rights violations’.  In particular, QUNO has focused on how the HRC can more effectively work with all UN pillars to prevent those violations which, if left unaddressed, could lead to violent conflict.


Related Areas of Work

March 2020

In & Around the UN

Read QUNO New York's newsletter, In & Around the UN, featuring articles on:

  • Bridging the Gap between Peace and Human Rights
  • Civil-Society UN Prevention Platform Launches a Discussion Series on Prevention
  • Future of the Peacebuilding Fund

and more from New York.


Related Areas of Work

March 2020

QUNO delivers statement on children of parents accused or convicted of association with designated terrorist groups

QUNO Geneva delivered a statement at the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council this March, as part of a discussion with the Special Rapporteur on the protection of human rights while countering terrorism. The statement, delivered by Programme Assistant for Human Rights and Refugees Lucy Halton, built upon QUNO’s years of work on children of incarcerated parents by focussing on the rights of children of parents accused or convicted of association with designated terrorist groups.


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