
March 2021

QUNO attends Trade and Environmental Sustainability Structured Discussions at the WTO

QUNO’s Sustainable and Just Economic Systems programme has been closely involved in discussions on trade and environment between members at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). In this space, QUNO prioritises supporting members to work collaboratively on trade policies which support global environmental sustainability and ensure a sustainable and just future for all.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

Kyoto Pledge on Child Rights and Criminal Justice

Together with partner organisations who champion the child rights in criminal justice systems we are calling on all actors to support the vision expressed in our Kyoto Pledge for Child Rights and Criminal Justice. Released ahead of the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice the Pledge sets out a vision for criminal justice systems in which children are seen, children are heard, and children’s rights are upheld and asks States and others to commit to:


Related Areas of Work

February 2021

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service 2021

This updated paper lays out the ways in which conscientious objection has been recognized and is protected under human rights treaties and mechanisms, taking into account developments in international standards that have occurred since 2015. These strengthened standards can be used by frontline organizations as a tool to limit suffering, improve lives and challenge root causes of injustice.

They are available below in English, Russian, Spanish and French. 


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February 2021

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service

This updated paper lays out the ways in which conscientious objection has been recognized and is protected under human rights treaties and mechanisms, taking into account developments in international standards that have occurred since 2015. These strengthened standards can be used by frontline organizations as a tool to limit suffering, improve lives and challenge root causes of injustice. 


Related Areas of Work

January 2021

QUNO participates in the Youth Forum on Migration

QUNO has been working on the human rights of migrants at the international level to promote the protection of human rights of all regardless of migration status. One of QUNO’s priorities is connecting with others to both learn from and work collaboratively with to ensure the effectiveness of our work.   


Related Areas of Work

November 2020

QUNO moderates panel for the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC

With the postponement of the 26th Conference of the Parties under the UNFCCC (COP26) to November 2021, many in the climate sphere are reflecting on how to keep up the momentum on international climate negotiations as well as support increased ambition on climate action in 2020. This was the central topic discussed by panelists on the “COP26: Ramp Up the Ambition” panel co-hosted by QUNO as part of the “Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action” online events series last week.


Related Areas of Work

November 2020

QUNO hosts a discussion on business-related human rights abuses in conflict and post-conflict contexts

On 10th November, and in partnership with the Geneva Human Rights Platform at the Geneva Academy and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, QUNO hosted an event with the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (UN Working Group) to discuss their latest report to the General Assembly focused on conflict-affected areas.


Related Areas of Work

November 2020

QUNO delivers oral statement to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

QUNO has been working on the human rights of migrants at the international level to promote the protection of human rights of all regardless of migration status. Recently, QUNO has been working more on relating structural racism to migration policies, this work recognises that in order to achieve migration justice we must understand the role racism plays in migration laws and policy.


Related Areas of Work

October 2020

Briefing Paper: Using the Regional Migration Reviews to Further Human Rights Protection

The Global Compact for Migration (GCM), adopted in 2018, is a significant commitment from governments to take a people centred and human rights based approach to migration policy and to work together towards this. The GCM invites regions to undertake reviews of the implementation of the compact every four years starting in 2020. These processes will feed into the International Migration Review Forum, also due to take place every four years, starting in 2022.


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October 2020

The Peacebuilding Implications of Energy Transitions to a Carbon-Neutral Future

This paper forms the second in a QUNO series on energy and peacebuilding. It follows on from the 2018 paper, “The Role of Decentralized Renewable Energy in Peacebuilding”, by Isobel Edwards, which explored the role of decentralized renewable energy as a peacebuilding tool. This paper explores the peacebuilding implications of energy transitions towards a carbon-neutral future.


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October 2020

The impact of arms transfers on human rights

QUNO was pleased to welcome the High Commissioner’s report on the impact of arms transfers on human rights (A/HRC/44/29, 19 June 2020) which goes beyond the focus on women and girls to include specific considerations on the gendered impacts more broadly and the role of violent masculinities in facilitating violence and militarism.


Related Areas of Work

October 2020

QUNO Submission to the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights

This submission by the Quaker United Nations Office explores how incorporating the human rights of people in poverty into national plans for a greener economy can promote fairer, more ambitious and effective outcomes to address root causes of climate change, enhance biodiversity, and transform power structures that maintain avoidable and extreme poverty.

Related Files


October 2020

QUNO delivers oral statement on the human rights of migrants

QUNO works on the human rights of migrants at the international level to promote the protection of human rights of all regardless of migration status. As part of this work, QUNO delivered a statement at the 45th session of the Human Rights Council General Debate on the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. This declaration supports understanding of the human rights of migrants, recognizing and reaffirming the dignity and inherent worth of all.


Related Areas of Work

October 2020

Landmark UN Human Rights Council resolution on the prevention of human rights violations

QUNO was pleased to have actively engaged in the informal negotiations of a landmark new UN Human Rights Council resolution on prevention. The resolution, led by a core group of Norway, Sierra Leone, Switzerland and Uruguay, was adopted by vote at the 45th session of the Council with 32 in favour, 11 abstentions and 3 against.

The resolution included significant elements that QUNO had supported and highlighted, including:


Related Areas of Work

October 2020

Geneva Reporter

QUNO's October 2020 issue of the Geneva Reporter newsletter is available below. This expanded issue includes a special feature from our programme Representatives on the impact of Covid on our work and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This issue also features a Q&A with our 2019-2020 PAs on their experience leading the first ever virtual Summer School; brief news updates and a QUNO Q&A with Beatrice Liese.

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