
September 2019

IPCC Report on the Ocean and Cryopshere

QUNO, under the Friends World Committee for Consultation, is the only faith-based organization accredited as an observer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which collates the most recent climate science findings to advise all countries. While government representatives cannot change the underlying scientific text in the reports, they can negotiate language in the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM), so long as the integrity of the findings is not affected.


Related Areas of Work

September 2019

The Human Rights Council: advancing the rights of children of incarcerated parents

At the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council, QUNO welcomed several discussions and documents which incorporated a focus on children of parents incarcerated parents, and children of parents sentenced to death or executed. We delivered an oral statement on the rights of children of parents sentenced to death or executed.


Related Areas of Work

September 2019

QUNO NY Director speaks at high-level panel discussion on peace and political transitions

On 25 September, QUNO’s NY Director, Andrew Tomlinson, spoke at a high-level panel discussion arranged in the sidelines of the 74th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly.


Related Areas of Work

September 2019

People, Planet…and Peace: A shared statement by peacebuilding organizations

21 September marks the International Day of Peace, which was established in 1981 by a unanimous resolution in the UN’s General Assembly. To mark the day, QUNO and over 100 additional peacebuilding organizations from throughout the world issued a statement to United Nations Member States that brings attention to peace concerns. 


Related Areas of Work

August 2019

Global Consultation to inform the development of UN Community Engagement Guidelines

Civil society actors and organizations are an integral part of peacebuilding efforts carried out throughout the world. They often possess localized expertise and institutional knowledge from long-term engagement at a community or country level, which is all too often missing from policy discussions and decision making and carry out a breadth of work that is essential to building peaceful, just and inclusive societies.  


Related Areas of Work

August 2019

IPCC Report on Climate Change and Land

Deforestation in Brazil’s Para state. Andre Penner/AP

QUNO, under the Friends World Committee for Consultation, is the only faith-based organization accredited as an observer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which  collates climate science findings to advise all countries. While government representatives cannot change text in the reports, they can negotiate language in the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM), so long as the integrity of the findings is not affected. Negotiation can result in weakening SPM language.


Related Areas of Work

July 2019

Webinar: Quakers Coming Together to Care for the Earth

In July, QUNO's Representative for Climate Change Lindsey Fielder Cook and Adrian Halverstadt, Director of Evangelical Friends Church - North America, were featured in a webinar with other Quakers to share and discuss a recent video, Quakers Coming Together to Care for the Earth.  which showcases Friends from across Quaker theological traditions in North America sharing their personal testimonies on environmental justice, earthcare and stewardship.


Related Areas of Work

June 2019

QUNO facilitates discussion on the first six months of the UN development system reform

June marks the sixth month of the implementation of Secretary-General Guterres’ dynamic reform of the United Nations system. Taking effect on 1 January, 2019, the development system reform seeks to strengthen leadership, capacity, and the accountability mechanisms of the UN system to better enable it to provide essential assistance to countries in the most effective and efficient manner. 


Related Areas of Work

June 2019

Human Rights Based Climate Action

This leaflet was written to help decision makers better understand how a rights-based approach in forming climate policy will lead to more effective and fair action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).  The leaflet explains a ‘human rights based approach’, why it is advantageous for policy makers, and offers positive examples of successful rights based climate action in reducing GHG mitigation and adaptation. The leaflet was presented to negotiators at the climate negotiations (SB50) in Bonn, in June 2019.


Related Areas of Work

May 2019

A Transformative Middle Ground

QUNO New York’s Director, Andrew Tomlinson, was pleased to have an interview with fellow Quaker organization, the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Speaking with Chris Kearns-McCoy, a Program Assistant with FCNL’s Communications team, Andrew reflected on Quaker work at the United Nations.


Related Areas of Work

April 2019

In & Around the UN

Read QUNO New York’s newsletter, In & Around the UN, featuring articles on:

  • Landmark changes to the UN system
  • Attending FWCC Section of the Americas Meeting
  • Partnering with the UN to strengthen inclusive approaches for peace

and more from New York.


Related Areas of Work

April 2019

QUNO convenes discussion on the Peacebuilding Fund

The Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) is the UN Secretary-General’s peacebuilding financing tool and investor of first resort. The Fund supports countries through immediate and direct funding initiatives, addresses crucial gaps that may exist in building peace, and provides resources in a rapid manner when sufficient support may not yet be available. In 2016, the PBF included direct funding opportunities for civil society organizations for the first time through its Gender and Youth (GYPI) Initiative. 


Related Areas of Work

April 2019

Conversation on the progress, challenges and opportunities for the UN’s efforts to build and sustain peace

In 2016, United Nations Member States adopted the dual resolutions on peacebuilding and sustaining peace, marking an important step in shifting the UN’s understanding of what is at the core of building and sustaining peace. This year, the UN Secretary-General will release a report that will provide updates on the progress, challenges and opportunities experienced in the past three years. The report will be a step towards developments next year, which will include the next comprehensive review of the United Nations peacebuilding architecture.  


Related Areas of Work

April 2019

QUNO hosts discussion on the impact of UN transitions on peacebuilding and development

Transitional periods are very sensitive and dynamic times for countries emerging from conflict, bringing hopes and concerns to places with a history of political instability and violent conflict. In the past decade, a number of UN peacekeeping missions have closed down leading countries to the next step in their transformation processes, and shifting how the UN and international community supports peacebuilding and development. 


Related Areas of Work

April 2019

QUNO speaks during the first Intersessional seminar on the contribution of the HRC to the prevention of human rights violations

In April, QUNO's Florence Foster was invited to speak during the first Intersessional seminar on the contribution of the Human Rights Council to the prevention of human rights violations (resolution 38/18). Florence noted that human rights violations are both the cause and effect of destructive conflict, and they therefore play a central role in early warning, prevention of destructive conflict, and in providing the basis for accountability through to rebuilding societies.


Related Areas of Work

March 2019

QUNO Geneva welcomes Joachim Monkelbaan

QUNO is pleased to welcome Joachim Monkelbaan to our Geneva office, as Representative for our new Sustainable and Just Economic Systems programme, which seeks to foster economic systems that deliver prosperity for all. Joachim brings 15 years of professional experience with organizations such as UN Environment, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), and the World Health Organization (WHO), among others.


Related Areas of Work

March 2019

UN Reform in Practice: Tangible Impact On Prevention?

As of 1 January 2019, Secretary-General Guterres’s hard-won reform proposals officially took effect. To strengthen the delivery of its mandate, the United Nations has introduced sweeping changes to the Peace and Security Architecture, the Development System, and the Management System. These reforms are designed to strengthen coherence within the system, make it more field-focused, and support the implementation of sustaining peace and prevention. 


Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
March 2019

The 2019 QUNO Review is now available online

Our new, March 2019 edition of the QUNO Review is now available for download. The annual report provides a brief introduction to QUNO and our way of working, as well as an overview of each of our programme areas. Learn more about our past year of our work and see where we are headed in 2019.


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