QUNO delivers oral statement on the human rights of migrants

QUNO works on the human rights of migrants at the international level to promote the protection of human rights of all regardless of migration status. As part of this work, QUNO delivered a statement at the 45th session of the Human Rights Council General Debate on the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. This declaration supports understanding of the human rights of migrants, recognizing and reaffirming the dignity and inherent worth of all. This statement delivered by Human Rights and Refugees Representative Laurel Townhead conveyed the lethal disregard for people seeking safety and dignity noting the 3,863 people recorded to have died in migration in the last year. This statement expressed to the Council that those who have died in migration have names, stories and identities which are often ignored in the formulation of migration policies throughout the world.
QUNO called on the Council to undertake an investigation of policies and practices that cause or exacerbate the risk of torture in transit and recognise the barriers that prevent identification of the protection needs of all migrants.