
July 2022

QUNO Hosts First Consultive Youth Listening Exercise

Meaningful political inclusion and participation of young people is key for building lasting peace and sustainable development.  Under its “Youth, Peace and Security” or YPS policy agenda the UN has also increasingly created opportunities for young peacebuilders. However fundamental challenges, like protection, remain and truly inclusive and partner-based policies and practices are not yet the norm. QUNO aims to build on the UN’s momentum by engaging with young people in different regions through consultative dialogues to discern the direction of our work on YPS in an inclusive way.


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June 2022

QUNO's presence at the June Climate Meetings in Bonn

The first in-person climate negotiations this year – and the precursor to COP27 in Egypt - took place in Bonn from 6th June to 16th June. QUNO’s Human Impacts of Climate Change programme was present as part of the RINGO constituency, joining the two-week meeting of Member States and representatives of civil society, Indigenous Peoples, business, and youth from around the world.


Related Areas of Work

June 2022

International Migration Review Forum: Consensus Adoption of Progress Declaration a Significant Step Forward

The first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) took place in New York from May 16th to the 20th, gathering Member States, civil society representatives, migrants, and United Nations agencies.


Related Areas of Work

June 2022

In and Around the UN

Our June 2022 newsletter shares updates from the work carried out by our New York office over recent months. Highlights include: a Q&A article on questions about the war in Ukraine and the UN; information on a new QUNO initiative on Youth, Peace and Security; the publication of our policy document, Building Peace in Times of Crisis; and news about staff comings and goings. Also hear from our new Director, Sarah Clarke, in her Director’s letter where she reflects on the state of multilateralism and the long commitment of Quaker witness at the UN.


Related Areas of Work

May 2022

QUNO co-hosts roundtable on peacebuilding and climate change at the Stockholm Forum

QUNO, in partnership with the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO), co-hosted the roundtable, Peacebuilding contributions to crisis and climate change response: Learning from practice, at this year's Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development. The Forum is an annual gathering held by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) to promote opportunities for cross-cutting dialogue and learning between humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding actors internationally.


Related Areas of Work

May 2022

QUNO Geneva speaks at “Building the Bridge: Virtual Launch Event for UNIDIR’s Arms-Related Risk Analysis Toolkit”

On 5th May 2022, QUNO Geneva’s Representative for Peace and Disarmament, Florence Foster, was an expert speaker at the virtual launch of UNIDIR’s Arms-Related Risk Analysis Toolkit. The Toolkit is designed to guide efforts to integrate conventional arms and ammunition-related risks into conflict analysis and conflict prevention, management, and resolution efforts.


Related Areas of Work

May 2022

QUNO joins talk on "How are Quakers supporting climate action at the UN?"

QUNO's Representative for Human Impacts of Climate Change, Lindsey Fielder Cook, gave a presentation on Quaker work at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), hosted by the world Quaker body Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). In her talk, Lindsey explained the work of the IPCC and how Quakers participate in the negotiations.


Related Areas of Work

April 2022

QUNO’s NY Director presents on Quaker UN work at George Mason University

QUNO New York Director, Sarah Clarke, joined speakers from the Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities at the virtual panel presentation, “The Historic Peace Churches: Integrating Theology and Practice for Peacebuilding,” hosted by George Mason University during the School’s Spring Peace Week. In her presentation, Sarah shared a view on how the Quaker Peace Testimony guides the work of Friends at the United Nations.


Related Areas of Work

April 2022

Funding the “P” in the Nexus

On 27 April diplomats and UN officials will gather for a High-Level meeting at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing financing for peacebuilding. This meeting provides an opportunity for Member States to take action to address the widely known funding gaps and make firm commitments to sustainably financing peace.


Related Areas of Work

April 2022

QUNO delivers interventions at the 56th session of the IPCC

QUNO, speaking as the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), made 35 oral interventions and 11 written submissions at the 56th session of the IPCC, which can be read here.  From 21 March to 4 April, government delegations and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) met virtually to approve the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) of the Climate Change 2022: Mitigation. The


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

QUNO Geneva Human Rights and Refugee Programme at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council

The Human Rights and Refugees Programme at QUNO Geneva engaged with the 49th Human Rights Council through oral statements on the human rights of migrants. For the Panel discussion on ensuring equitable, affordable, timely, and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Laurel Townhead Representative of the program, delivered a statement on access to vaccines for migrants and the impact of vaccine inequality on border governance.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

Quaker Work on International Conciliation

The Quaker United Nations Office was invited to take part in an intergenerational discussion in September 2019, at which experienced conciliators and younger peace activists came together to share learning and consider how to take the work forward with renewed energy. A taster of who was at the event can be found in this video.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

75 Years at the UN: The 2022 QUNO Review

The Quaker UN Office is celebrating 75 years of a Quaker Presence at the United Nations. Learn more about the work our office has carried out over this year to represent the concerns of Friends as we seek a UN that implements inclusive policies for peace. The annual review provides a brief introduction to QUNO’s way of working and an overview of the programmes carried out in our New York and Geneva offices, as well as our work ahead in the coming year.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

QUNO welcomes OHCHRs report on achieving and upholding the principles of the UN Charter – HRC49

At the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council, Florence Foster, QUNO’s Representative for Peace and Disarmament delivered a statement to welcome OHCHR report 49/88 on the contribution of [...] all human rights [...] to achieving the purposes and upholding the principles of the UN Charter. 


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

QUNO welcomes OHCHRs report on delivery and financing of capacity building, technical assistance and prevention – HRC49

Florence Foster, Representative for Peace and Disarmament, delivered a statement at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council to welcome the OHCHR report 49/68 on [...] technical assistance and capacity-building that support the implementation by States of their international human rights obligations and commitments’ pursuant to the so called ‘prevention’ resolution 45/31.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

Event - 'Small Arms Exports, Leadership and Accountability: A Human Rights Perspective' at the CCADD

Florence Foster, Representative for Peace & Disarmament at QUNO Geneva, had the pleasure of speaking to the Council on Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament (CCADD) over a lunch time event on ‘Small Arms Exports, Leadership and Accountability: A Human Rights Perspective’.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

QUNO Delivers Statement at an informal discussion with stakeholders engaged in the work of the Informal Dialogue on Plastic Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics Trade (IDP).

Acknowledging the strong momentum and action around issues of plastics pollution and marine plastics litter, QUNO participated in an informal discussion with stakeholders engaged in the work of the WTO's Informal Dialogue on Plastic Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics Trade (IDP). The meeting was convened by the IDP co-coordinators, and facilitated by Forum on Trade, Environment, & the SDGs.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

The Crisis in Ukraine: A Brief UN Overview

Dear Friends,

Like us, you have undoubtedly been watching in horror the unfolding events in Ukraine. When we accepted responsibilities as the Directors of the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva and New York this past November, the possibility of such a war was little imagined by us or by the millions of people in Ukraine and Russia. We pray for Friends in Ukraine and Russia, and all impacted by this conflict. We are deeply grateful to hear of the efforts being carried out by Friends in Poland, Estonia and Georgia to provide much needed humanitarian relief.


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