Upcoming Event: Webinar and Quiet Diplomacy Dinner on Trade-Related Measures for a Treaty to End Plastic Pollution

We would like to inform you of an upcoming event on the 26th of April 2023, co-hosted by the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) and the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). The event will consist of a follow-up webinar from 4-6 pm CET, focusing on trade-related measures in the context of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) towards a treaty to end plastic pollution. Following the webinar, a quiet diplomacy dinner will be held at Quaker House in Geneva, starting at 7:15 pm. This dinner aims to provide an opportunity for delegates to continue the discussion and exchange views in a more informal setting.
The webinar will cover four main topics regarding trade and the plastics treaty: i) trade measures for negotiating parties, ii) non-party provisions, iii) subsidies relevant to plastic production, and iv) WTO rules and the plastics treaty. The goal of the event is to facilitate an in-depth and productive discussion that contributes to the ambitious progress of negotiations towards a treaty to end plastic pollution. Please note that this is for information purposes only and not an invitation to attend.
This event builds on SJES' existing work, with recent focus on areas including circular economy, informal waste sector, and transboundary move and trade in plastics. Some projects within the SJES programme include an upcoming report on trade policies and circularity for plastics in Vietnam, Myanmar, and Lao PDR, and a recent study on regulatory barriers and policy recommendations to upscale reuse/refill retail models in Latin America.