
February 2014

QUNO participates in ACCORD Seminar on Peacebuilding Coherence in Johannesburg, South Africa

On 19 and 20 February Diane Hendrick participated in the  seminar “Towards a more Coherent Peacebuilding Policy Community”, in Johannesburg organised by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), a Civil Society organisation based in South Africa, which specializes in the field of conflict analysis, resolution, interventions and management on the African continent.

Related Areas of Work

February 2014

QUNO attends first public meeting of the Arms Trade Treaty Network

As a founding member of the Geneva Forum, QUNO attended the first public event of the new Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Network. The ATT Network was launched in 2013 by the Geneva Forum and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy as a platform to exchange information, provide practical guidance on the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty and develop networks among implementation actors and communities.

Related Areas of Work

February 2014

QUNO held side-event panel discussion: Small-scale farmers, innovation and the competition of international regimes?

Small-scale farmer innovation plays an essential role in food security. During this panel discussion, speakers and participants considered how to design a coherent legal regime that supports all types of innovation and management systems, including those of small-scale farmers. Speakers included: Susan Bragdon, QUNO; Shakeel Bhatti, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; Isabel Lopez Noriega, Bioversity International; and Antony Taubman, World Trade Organization. The event was moderated by QUNO's Caroline Dommen.

Related Areas of Work

January 2014

Breakfast dialogue on Peace, Poverty and Violence

In December QUNO,  the Baha’i International Community: United Nations Office, and ATD Fourth World partnered to host a breakfast dialogue on the topic of “Peace, poverty, and violence; interlinkages for sustainable development.” The breakfast was attended by a wide range of UN staff, Member States, and representatives from civil society. Keynote speakers included a representative from the Permanent Mission of Timor Leste, as well as Sarah Cliffe, special adviser and assistant secretary-general of Civilian Capacities to the United Nations.

Related Areas of Work

January 2014

Developing country sui generis options for plant variety protection

Photo Credit: Martin Kunz

These briefing papers on sui generis options for plant variety protection (PVP) are to encourage and support governmental officials and others who wish to develop a PVP system that matches their country’s needs. These briefing papers are the third and fourth in a series on intellectual property, food and agriculture.

Related Areas of Work

January 2014

QUNO's Diane Hendrick co-moderated e-discussion on Mainstreaming Food Security into Peacebuilding Processes

Photo Credit: UN Photo by Paulo Filgueiras

Diane Hendrick of QUNO Geneva and Alexandra Trzeciak-Duval, former Head of the Policy Division in OECD’s Directorate for Development Co-operation, co-moderated an e-discussion on Mainstreaming Food Security into Peacebuilding Processes. You can read contributions to the e-discussion at http://www.fao.org/fsnforum/protracted-crises.

Related Areas of Work

December 2013

Rachel Brett, QUNO Representative for Human Rights and Refugees, delivers training on the right to Conscientious Objection in Colombia

Rachel Brett, QUNO's representative for Human Rights and Refugees, delivered training to conscientious objectors at the Foro Internacional Por la Objeción de Conciencia al Servicio Militar Obligatorio in Bogotá, Colombia. This presentation focused on the international standards on the right to conscientious objection to military service and alternative service applicable to Colombia.

Related Areas of Work

December 2013

Lindsey Fielder Cook appointed new QUNO Representative on Climate Change

Following an international selection process, we are pleased to announce that Lindsey Fielder Cook has been appointed as the new QUNO Representative on Climate Change. Lindsey has a background in peacebuilding and climate change, and has worked on humanitarian and donor coordination efforts with the United Nations in the West Bank and Gaza, the Former Yugoslavia, Somalia, and on communications for the United Nations Volunteers in Bonn. Lindsey will take forward this work from the newly established QUNO meeting space in Bonn.

Related Areas of Work

December 2013

New QUNO Meeting Space in Bonn

QUNO has established a new meeting space in Bonn, from which the new Climate Change Representative, Lindsey Fielder Cook, will work.  This new location enables QUNO staff to work closely with Bonn-based organisations focused on climate change and environmental issues.  The space is set between the woods and the UN Offices in Bonn and is heated by a variety of green energy sources.  

Related Areas of Work

December 2013

QUNO holds side event on “Business, Human Rights and Conflict” at 2013 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

Photo Credit: Claire Rodgerson

QUNO - together with the UN Global Compact, the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and the Constructive Engagement Group - held a side event on Business, Human Rights and Conflict at the 2013 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights. Diane Hendrick of QUNO moderated the discussion. During this event, Lynn Finnegan from QUNO spoke about the impact that business activities can have on local communities’ access to natural resources such as water, land and food. QUNO also outlined good practices for effective company-community engagement.​

Related Areas of Work

December 2013

New York is hiring Programme Assistants for 2014-2015!

Our New York office is now hiring Programme Assistants for 2014-2015. These are entry-level positions for recent college graduates who are interested in international affairs and the UN, and who have a commitment to Friends (Quaker) principles of peace, non-violence, and equality.  The positions provide those individuals selected with an informal extension to their education in international issues. Additionally, PAs gain the practical experience of assisting QUNO New York staff with program and administrative tasks.

Related Areas of Work

December 2013

UNHCR issues ‘Guidelines on International Protection No. 10: Claims to Refugee Status related to Military Service’

QUNO welcomes new Guidelines on International Protection relating to claims to refugee status based on objection to military service released by UNHCR. These Guidelines focus on individuals who seek international protection as refugees to avoid recruitment and service in State armed forces, including conscientious objectors, as well as forced recruitment by non-State armed groups. They will provide guidance for governments, decision makers, lawyers and the judiciary as well as UNHCR staff.

Related Areas of Work

November 2013

QUNO speaks at UNCTAD meeting on Trade and Food Security

QUNO’s Caroline Dommen was a panellist at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) discussion forum, “Why Trade Matters in Development Strategies”. The panel gathered experts on trade and food security to foster dialogue between Geneva trade diplomats and national officials in charge of development planning.

Related Areas of Work

November 2013

QUNO hosts agriculture and food panel at the WTO Public Forum 2013

Photo Credit: WTO

QUNO hosted a panel discussion at the WTO Public Forum 2013 on “Exploring New Frameworks for Trade and Investment in Agriculture”. Speaking on the panel were Caroline Dommen, QUNO Representative for Global Economic Issues, Hans Herren, recipient of The Right Livelihood Award 2013 and Mark Halle, from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

Related Areas of Work

November 2013

QUNO hosts a lunch discussion on "Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region: A view from China"

A diverse and engaged group of UN staff, member states, and civil society members gathered at Quaker House in New York on 7 November to hear a group of leading Chinese academics share their work on Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. It was a lively conversation, with many personal anecdotes and the sharing of experiences from many different actors.

Related Areas of Work

November 2013

QUNO attends the Warsaw climate change conference under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Photo Credit: Jan Golinksi, UN Photo

QUNO attended the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 9th Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP), held from 11 – 22 November in Warsaw, Poland. QUNO’s support of the UNFCCC multilateral process includes offering off-the-record spaces for delegates to meet, exchange ideas, and build bridges and trust. To find out more about the conference and the UNFCCC, visit http://unfccc.int/meetings/warsaw_nov_2013/meeting/7649.php.

Related Areas of Work

October 2013

Geneva Reporter, July-October 2013

Read QUNO Geneva's newsletter for the period July to October 2013. Features stories:

  • Children of parents sentenced to death or executed
  • New framework for trade and investment in agriculture
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • New energy on nuclear disarmament
  • Highlights from QUNO New York

Related Areas of Work

October 2013

QUNO holds public lecture on “Building peace around land, food and water” at Earlham College, Indiana

 Diane Hendrick spoke to QUNO Geneva's work on natural resources, conflict and cooperation. She was also at Earlham College consulting on the issues of environment, natural resources and climate change in the review of the Oxford University Press International Encyclopedia of Peace.

Related Areas of Work

October 2013

QUNO attends UNFCCC Joint Workshop, Bonn, Germany

QUNO attended the UNFCCC Joint Workshop on the Framework for Various Approaches, Non-Market-Based Approaches and the New Market Mechanism in Bonn, Germany.

Lindsey Cook, representing QUNO, highlighted that current global emission rates are at "top end of ... emissions scenarios", likely leading to increased temperatures of 4.2 to 5 centigrade by 2100. She encouraged negotiators to act on the "small window to keep rising global temperatures below 2.6 degrees Centigrade", and spoke of negotiators’ "extraordinarily privileged position to act positively".

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