
September 2012

Panel Discussion on Intellectual Property in Agriculture at the World Trade Organization Public Forum in Geneva

A QUNO-IIED (Quaker UN Office - International Institute for Environment and Development) panel at the World Trade Organisation Public Forum in Geneva, September 2012 explored the complex international landscape on intellectual property relating to agriculture. The panel considered the main features of the international intellectual property framework through the following questions:

Related Areas of Work

September 2012

QUNO holds side event on 'Natural Resources, Conflict and Cooperation' at the Human Rights Council

QUNO held a side event on 'Natural Resources, Conflict and Cooperation' at the Human Rights Council with the Permanent Mission of Ethiopia and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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Event of Note
July 2012

UN Adopts First-ever Resolution on Conscientious Objection

On 6 July, the UN Human Rights Council adopted its first-ever resolution on conscientious objection to military service. The resolution requires the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to publish a regular report on new developments, best practices and remaining challenges regarding conscientious objection around the world. This will ensure that developments at international and regional level, in many of which QUNO is involved, will be brought to the attention of a wide audience, including all governments.

Related Areas of Work

June 2012

Building Just Societies

 QUNO participated in an international workshop on the topic of Building Just Societies: Reconciliation in Transitional Settings held in Accra, Ghana. The workshop was organized by the UN Peacebuilding Support Office and QUNO played a key role in the design and implementation of this initiative. QUNO Director Andrew Tomlinson also facilitated one of the workshop sessions on the topic of Stakeholders and the Role of Civil Society in Reconciliation.


Related Areas of Work

June 2012

Peacebuilding in Burundi: A visit from Adrien Niyongabo

QUNO New York hosted a visited by a Burundian Quaker, Adrien Niyongabo, with the local grassroots organization Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities (HROC). At a meeting at Quaker House with experts from the UN and diplomats, Adrien shared his experiences in trauma healing and reconciliation in Burundi as well as his perspectives on the national truth and reconciliation process.

Related Areas of Work

June 2012

20 Years of 'An Agenda for Peace'

QUNO New York Director Andrew Tomlinson was one of three panelists at a Geneva Peacebuilding Platform seminar entitled "20 Years of ‘An Agenda for Peace’: A new vision for conflict prevention?” His full remarks are available in the document Putting the Pieces Together: Towards a Unified Approach to Prevention at the UN.

Related Areas of Work

May 2012

Swarthmore Lecture by Rachel Brett

Rachel Brett delivered the Swarthmore lecture at Britain Yearly Meeting on 26 May. Entitled Snakes and Ladders, it described Quaker work on human rights at the United Nations.

This work has brought real change for many, including conscientious objectors and child soldiers. The Swarthmore Lectureship, established in 1907, provides for the publication of a book as well as the public lecture. For information about the book and how to order it please email us at quno@quno.ch.

Related Areas of Work

March 2012

Consolidating Peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone

QUNO organized a public event co-hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to the UN with London-based NGO Conciliation Resources to launch their Accord series report entitled Consolidating Peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone which highlights the perspectives of civil society and local actors on ways forward in the areas of peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict in both countries.

Related Areas of Work

November 2011

Chinese Scholars Visit New York

QUNO and the American Friends Service Committee hosted a visit by four leading UN scholars from China to the UN in New York. The visit included a public event, co-hosted with the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum, entitled “Chinese Perspectives on UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding”. The event, attended by UN staff, diplomats, and NGOs, provided an introduction to current research activities within China and an opportunity for informal discussion and exchange.

Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
November 2011

Second Ministerial Review Conference of the Geneva Declaration

QUNO played a large role in bringing eighty CSOs to engage with the Second Ministerial Review Conference of the Geneva Declaration in November 2011.

QUNO worked to ensure that the programming experience of civil society organisations (CSO’s) was included in the understanding of what is currently being done to tackle the problem of armed violence around the world.

Related Areas of Work

June 2011

Public Statement on Fighting in Northern Myanmar

In June 2011, QUNO New York worked with other partner organisations to publish a public statement in response to fighting that had erupted in northern Myanmar. The statement included recommendations for immediate action by the Government of Myanmar and the Kachin Independence Army, as well as supportive measures to be taken by China, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the UN.

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