QUNO makes a Statement at the 17th working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention

QUNO attended the 17th Working Group of the Parties of the Aarhus Convention as part of our work on Natural Resources, Conflict and Cooperation. This is a UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention linking environmental rights and human rights, focusing on the interactions between the public and public authorities.
An important focus for QUNOs work on Natural Resources is the preconditions for effective public participation around natural resource management , as a means of preventing destructive conflict and promoting equitable and peaceful natural resource management. We see the Aarhus Convention as a valuable contribution to managing environmental matters in a constructive way.
Rhiannon Redpath delivered an oral statement introducing both the work of QUNO and highlighting the role peacebuilding approaches can play in creating the preconditions for effective public participation around natural resource management as a means of preventing destructive conflict. The statement was well received, and QUNO plans further engagement in this area.