QUNO participates in ACCORD Seminar on Peacebuilding Coherence in Johannesburg, South Africa

On 19 and 20 February Diane Hendrick participated in the seminar “Towards a more Coherent Peacebuilding Policy Community”, in Johannesburg organised by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), a Civil Society organisation based in South Africa, which specializes in the field of conflict analysis, resolution, interventions and management on the African continent.
The seminar explored the scope for coherence in the range of international, regional and national peacebuilding related policy processes that have been initiated over the past years. It brought together more than 40 representatives of the UN, the African Union, NGO's and academics from Africa and beyond and allowed for some frank discussion, especially around the issue of local ownership of peacebuilding processes. A policy and practice brief looking at the key issues from the workshop and the guiding principles developed will be produced shortly.