
April 2011

Chinese delegation visit to Burundi and DRC

QUNO New York in collaboration with the American Friends Service Committee hosted a delegation visit of six Chinese academics to Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The visit provided an opportunity for the delegation members to gain a deeper understanding of UN peacebuilding and prevention efforts on the ground.

Related Areas of Work

November 2010

Worldwide Civil Society "Best Practice" Seminars

QUNO co-organised platforms for civil society leaders and practitioners to present their work and interact with professionals from governments and development cooperation agencies on Armed Violence and Development, during regional "Best Practice" seminars in Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Kathmandu, Abuja and Zagreb. These seminars were held between between November 2010 and September 2011.

Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
January 2010

Publication of Ripples into Waves

QUNO facilitated a visit by Carolyn Hayman, Chief Executive of Peace Direct to Quaker House in New York to lead a discussion with representatives of the UN peacebuilding community on the potential for locally-led peacebuilding initiatives to create “peace writ large”. This discussion led to the publication by Peace Direct and QUNO of Ripples into Waves, an analysis of how civil society peacebuilding processes can scale successfully.

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