
September 2023

World leaders gather with hopes for peace in the face of deepening crises

On September 19th, world leaders gathered at the United Nations in New York for the opening of the 78thSession of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). This particular gathering comes at a time when the need for global cooperation is critical, with multiple crises needing to be addressed in addition to recent and tragic natural disasters that have occurred around the world.


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

Arms industry tactics avoid human rights responsibility

The irresponsible role of the arms industry needs to be addressed as part of preventing violence and human rights violations committed with firearms globally.

This was part of the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) Peace & Disarmament programme’s recent response (also see attachment below) to an analysis of the arms industry by the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights.


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

Climate change Global Stocktake must focus on human rights

As the United Nations-led Global Stocktake is being finalised, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has offered two submissions to this assessment of international action on climate change.

QUNO’s submission — available for download here — was made on behalf of the Quaker organisation, Friends World Committee for Consultation, which it represents at the United Nations (UN).


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

Introducing Leaders of Tomorrow to the UN

Students from Delaware Valley Friends School started the school year off with an exciting visit to New York City, where they learned about the UN and Quaker work at the UN. The delegation of 8 high school students was among hundreds of young people invited to take part in this year's observance of the UN’s International Day of Peace. “It was truly inspiring to learn about the work that other kids our age are doing around the world,” said Lauren (grade 10) reflecting on a full morning of workshops and presentations at the UN Headquarters. 


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

Saying Hello and Goodbye – QUNO NY Staff Comings and Goings

September is an extra busy time at QUNO as we greet new Programme Assistants. In New York, this role is filled by two candidates every year and the position makes a crucial contribution to the running of our office and our engagement at the UN. This year, we are delighted to welcome Natalie Dewar and Nyeri Otero Flanagan to join our team.


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

QUNO’s Contributions to INC-3 Webinar Series on Plastic Pollution

In preparation for the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to Develop an International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution, Including in the Marine Environment (INC-3), taking place from November 13-19, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya, the INC Secretariat facilitated a series of technical webinars. Two of these sessions allowed observers to present submissions that could inform the committee's work.


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

Climate change: beyond fear and into courage

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) consistently monitors developments around climate change.

QUNO approaches climate change as a peace and justice concern, and is involved in international climate negotiations, the Human Rights Council, and is an accredited observer of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Lindsey Fielder Cook, QUNO’s Geneva-based Representative at the United Nations, heads its Human Impacts of Climate Change programme.


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

The right to conscientious objection to military service: connecting conscientious objectors and the UN

Building on our many decades of work to ensure recognition and implementation of the right to conscientious objection to military service we welcomed the recent Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) workshop on this subject. This brought together stakeholders dedicated to ensuring protection of the right to conscientious objection including UN staff, civil society organizations, former judgers, and conscientious objectors (COs) themselves.


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

Sustaining peace needs intersectional approach at United Nations

Florence Foster from QUNO Geneva participates at Geneva Peace Week 2023 panel

Peacebuilding has been viewed mainly as post-conflict intervention at the United Nations (UN), but the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) believes peace work is needed throughout the conflict cycle.

QUNO takes a human rights-based approach to achieve sustaining peace. Focusing on human rights towards peacebuilding can further reduce the risk of violent conflict, end hostilities through inclusive processes and move towards reconciliation and just recovery. 


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

QUNO NY Director Meets with Friends from Asia and the West-Pacific in Hong Kong

Have you ever wondered how to say “good morning” in Bisaya, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Nepali, Tagalog, and English? Well, one way to learn is to attend the Asia and West-Pacific section meeting of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) and QUNO New York’s Director, Sarah Clarke, had the opportunity to do just that.


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

A Push For Peace: International Day of Peace against the backdrop of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly: An analysis by Nyeri Otero Flanagan

During the 1950s, under the sombre shadow of the Second World War, people from across nations donated medals and coins to fashion a bell with the simple message “Long live absolute world peace” inscribed on its side. The chimes of this Peace Bell now take centre stage during the celebration of International Day of Peace, on the 21st of September every year. 


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

We hold in the Light those affected by the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine

On the 19th of October, in the spirit of the building that hosted it, QUNO New York joined civil society partners as well as other faith-based organisations to hold an interfaith service for members of the UN community and our broader constituency at the Church Center for the United Nations (CCUN). Rev. Dionne P. Boissiere, Baptist Minister at CCUN, opened with a call to prayer, grounding participants in a moment of silence for all the victims of the conflict between Hamas and the Israeli Government.


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

Insights into Multilateral Cooperation on Prevention of Armed Conflict: An Overview of Member States’ Prevention Priorities: An analysis by Natalie Dewar and Mathilde Dépéry

The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) opened with an invitation to the UN Member States to share their perspectives on effective avenues towards Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all.


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

‘Joyous’ William Knox was a Quaker who spoke his mind

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) staff in Geneva sends condolences to the family of William Knox, who served for two years on their governance committee until his recent passing.

Knox passed away in early October at his adopted home in Penang, Malaysia.

Robert Gibson, a fellow QUNO Geneva governance committee member, plans to attend a memorial service for Knox in Oxford in England next week.

In a letter to the Knox family, QUNO Geneva staff wrote that “even from the Zoom meetings he brought with him his deep humanity, expertise and humour”. 


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

Quaker organisations call for a ceasefire and humanitarian protections in Gaza

Stop the violence and allow humanitarian access to Gaza — this is the strong call from Quakers from around the world in a statement issued this week.

The Quaker United Nations Office was among signatories to this statement, along with Quaker organisations that work on the ground in Palestine and Israel.


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

Connecting Geneva and New York for human rights approaches to conflict prevention

Florence Foster moderating a panel discussion during Geneva Peace Week meets New York

“In the current multidimensional crisis, the social contract between governments and their people and between groups in society is eroding. The transformational potential of human rights in their entirety – economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights – are part of a just and sustainable solution to such problems.”      


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

New Report: Strategies for Asian Countries to End Plastic Pollution

Against the backdrop of Asia’s struggle with burgeoning plastic waste, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has published a new report that delves into the complex challenges and potential strategies for addressing this problem in the region.

QUNO’s report, ‘Trade and Plastics — Fostering Sustainable Development in South East Asia’, was issued by its Sustainable and Just Economic Systems programme this month (November).

It focuses on plastic pollution in Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam and highlights the pressing need for systemic changes. 


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

INC-3: Plastic pollution meetings need direction to avoid failure

The recent United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) meeting on ending plastic pollution raised concerns about the pace and direction of negotiations to finalise a legally binding treaty.

This was UNEP’s third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee — it was called INC-3 — and it concluded last week in Kenya, Nairobi. INC aims to gather various stakeholders to create an agreement that would hold governments accountable to enforce laws to curb plastic pollution.


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