
Human Impacts of Climate Change

QUNO views climate change as an environmental, political and economic challenge that interconnects with its work on peace and justice issues. We seek to highlight the human impacts of climate change at a time when communities worldwide are experiencing its consequences, yet man made greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) continue to rise at dangerous rates.
February 2022

QUNO joins submission to the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures

The Human Impacts of Climate Change programme jointly made a submission to the UNFCCC’s Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI), working alongside colleagues from the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA).


Related Areas of Work

February 2022

'What's missing (and needed) post-COP26?' - QUNO's event at the Second International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding

On February 2nd 2022, over 130 people joined the virtual roundtable event co-hosted by QUNO Geneva and the Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) at the International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding. The event addressed three elements at the intersection of challenges and opportunities in the post-COP26 context, namely: addressing the root causes of climate change, the role of human rights and avoiding securitisation. 


Related Areas of Work

January 2022

QUNO Offices connect with the Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas

Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas (FWCC SOA) recently invited QUNO to a meeting with their Regional Coordinators to talk about our work and how Friends around the world can engage with us. It was a small meeting with vast reach, with Regional Coordinators from across the Americas, including the United States, El Salvador and Mexico in attendance, each connected to a Yearly Meeting.


Related Areas of Work

December 2021

Leaders of Quaker international organisations gather and reflect

Eleven leaders from seven international Quaker organisations met at Friends House London and online for three days in early December. They included our incoming and outgoing Directors in New York (Sarah Clarke and Andrew Tomlinson) and in Geneva (Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge and Jonathan Woolley).


Related Areas of Work

November 2021

The QUNO Climate Change team during COP26: activities and reflections

QUNO was present throughout the entire COP26 in Glasgow, focusing on climate justice concerns, and strengthening ambitious, effective and fair international climate efforts.  Please see ‘read more’ for an overview of QUNO work and links to presentations, publications and statements, and an analysis of the COP26, ‘Two steps forward, one step back’, by Representative for Climate Change, Lindsey Fielder Cook.




Related Areas of Work

October 2021

QUNO Geneva presents its statement at the 48th Human Rights Council Session, calling for action on environmental injustice, the climate crisis, and highlighting inequalities for people of African descent


Building on the high emphasis of climate change on the High Commissioner's opening address to the 48th Human Rights Council (HRC) session, QUNO Geneva addressed the HRC under Item 9, addressing racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related forms of intolerance; and follow-up to and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.


Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
August 2021

Quaker United Nations Office Geneva names new Director

Following an international search process, the Quaker UN Office is delighted to announce that Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge has been selected as the incoming Director of QUNO Geneva. Nozizwe, a South African national, is a member of the Quaker Community in the Western Cape Meeting. She has broad experience in her home country and distinguished and influential service in government, civil society and advocacy. Nozizwe has an honorary Doctorate of Law from Haverford College, diplomas in microbiology and adult education, a degree in social science and an honours degree in philosophy.

Related Areas of Work

August 2021

QUNO Attends 54th Session of the IPCC and 14th Session of the Working Group 1

Friday marked the close of the 54th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and 14th Session of the Working Group 1 , during which State delegates considered contributions to the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report (AR6).  QUNO, for FWCC, is one of the most active observers at IPCC Plenary meetings.  QUNO’s Representative for Human Impacts of Climate Change, Lindsey Fielder Cook, was in attendance throughout  the two-week virtual meetings.

Related Areas of Work

June 2021

QUNO makes an intervention at the June Climate Change Conference

QUNO joined observers at the June Climate Change Conference sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC, held this year in a virtual format owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. Parties and observers met over the course of three weeks to discuss key issues relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Related Areas of Work

April 2021

QUNO launches new publication How to be a Hero for all our Children

QUNO’s Human Impacts of Climate Change programme is pleased to launch their new publication “How to be a Hero for All our Children”. Gathering climate science from the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), alongside suggested personal actions and questions for politicians, “How to be a Hero” is an accessible resource to share with local communities and as part of educational initiatives.


Related Areas of Work

April 2021

QUNO attends Virtual 53rd Session of the IPCC

QUNO, representing the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), is the only faith-based observer of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  Its 53rd (bis) meeting was recently held online from 22-26 March and involved over 200 participants, primarily States, IPCC Secretariat, and several observers.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

The Right to a Healthy Environment at the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council

Efforts to establish a universal human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment continue at the Human Rights Council. 

On 10th March, at the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council, QUNO's Human Impacts of Climate Change programme endorsed a joint statement by the Right to a Healthy Environment Campaign, under the General Debate on Item 3, calling for the Council to adopt the universal right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment.


Related Areas of Work

March 2021

The 2021 QUNO Review is now available online

Our new, March 2021 edition of the QUNO Review is now available online. The annual review provides a brief introduction to QUNO and our way of working, as well as an overview of each of our programme areas. Learn more about our past year of our work and see where we are headed in 2021.


Related Areas of Work

November 2020

Geneva Peace Week 2020

QUNO is proud to be one of the institutional partners behind the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, the organisation that runs Geneva Peace Week – a leading international peacebuilding forum. This year’s Geneva Peace Week was delivered in a fully online format and featured three events co-organised by QUNO.


Related Areas of Work

November 2020

QUNO moderates panel for the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC

With the postponement of the 26th Conference of the Parties under the UNFCCC (COP26) to November 2021, many in the climate sphere are reflecting on how to keep up the momentum on international climate negotiations as well as support increased ambition on climate action in 2020. This was the central topic discussed by panelists on the “COP26: Ramp Up the Ambition” panel co-hosted by QUNO as part of the “Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action” online events series last week.


Related Areas of Work

April 2020

UPDATE: QUNO Geneva Programme Assistant Applications

Application process update

The application process is closed. 

We take this opportunity to thank everyone for their applications and to inform you that we are continuing with this recruitment. As a result of the current situation with Covid-19 our timelines for interviews have changed.  We are currently shortlisting. We will contact only those who we invite for interview. If you have not heard from us by 31 May please assume that you have not been selected for interview.  


Related Areas of Work

March 2020

QUNO contributions at the 52nd meeting of the IPCC

QUNO, through the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), is the only faith-based observer at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  The IPCC collates the latest climate research worldwide to advise governments on effective climate policy.  At the latest IPCC Meeting, held from 24-28 February in Paris, countries negotiated an outline for the Synthesis Report of the upcoming 6th Assessment Report, to be released in 2022.  Content in the Synthesis Report is critical as few policy makers read the entire Assessment Reports, which are often over 1000 pages long.


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