New York

June 2022

In and Around the UN

Read QUNO New York's June 2022 newsletter, In and Around the UN, featuring articles on:

  • Understanding the work of the UN: A Q&A on the war in Ukraine
  • Our Common Agenda: A UN for the future
  • Building Peace in Times of Crisis
  • QUNO Launches a Youth Listening Exercise

Related Files


May 2022

QUNO co-hosts roundtable on peacebuilding and climate change at the Stockholm Forum

QUNO, in partnership with the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO), co-hosted the roundtable, Peacebuilding contributions to crisis and climate change response: Learning from practice, at this year's Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development. The Forum is an annual gathering held by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) to promote opportunities for cross-cutting dialogue and learning between humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding actors internationally.


Related Areas of Work

April 2022

QUNO’s NY Director presents on Quaker UN work at George Mason University

QUNO New York Director, Sarah Clarke, joined speakers from the Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities at the virtual panel presentation, “The Historic Peace Churches: Integrating Theology and Practice for Peacebuilding,” hosted by George Mason University during the School’s Spring Peace Week. In her presentation, Sarah shared a view on how the Quaker Peace Testimony guides the work of Friends at the United Nations.


Related Areas of Work

April 2022

Funding the “P” in the Nexus

On 27 April diplomats and UN officials will gather for a High-Level meeting at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing financing for peacebuilding. In her piece, UN Representative, Megan Schmidt, brings forward the learning and messages from her report, Building Peace in Times of Crisis, that relate to peacebuilding financing across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.


Related Files


March 2022

The Crisis in Ukraine: A Brief UN Overview

Dear Friends,

Like us, you have undoubtedly been watching in horror the unfolding events in Ukraine. When we accepted responsibilities as the Directors of the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva and New York this past November, the possibility of such a war was little imagined by us or by the millions of people in Ukraine and Russia. We pray for Friends in Ukraine and Russia, and all impacted by this conflict. We are deeply grateful to hear of the efforts being carried out by Friends in Poland, Estonia and Georgia to provide much needed humanitarian relief.


Related Areas of Work

March 2022

The Crisis in Ukraine: A brief UN overview

Following weeks of speculation and intelligence reports, the Russian government initiated new military operations in Ukraine beginning on 24 February. This military attack has had immediate far-reaching impacts, sparked a massive humanitarian crisis, and raised serious concern about potential ecological damage. On the global stage, a range of actions have been taken in response, including measures within the United Nations (UN).

Related Files


March 2022

75 Years at the UN: The 2022 QUNO Review

The Quaker UN Office is celebrating 75 years of a Quaker Presence at the United Nations. Learn more about the work our office has carried out over this year to represent the concerns of Friends as we seek a UN that implements inclusive policies for peace. The annual review provides a brief introduction to QUNO’s way of working and an overview of the programmes carried out in our New York and Geneva offices, as well as our work ahead in the coming year.


Related Areas of Work

February 2022

QUNO releases publication: Building Peace in Times of Crisis

Acknowledging that the world is moving towards increasingly complex crisis situations, which require ever more complex responses, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has increasingly focused on the role of sustainable and people-centered strategies for peace within crisis response - a priority that has been uplifted in QUNO’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.


Related Areas of Work

February 2022

Connecting short-term crisis response with long-term peace: An Infographic

Peacebuilding approaches and tools can contribute to connecting short-term crisis response and long-term peace and development needs and support the work of actors in these environments. Drawing from QUNO’s publication, Building Peace in Times of Crisis, QUNO developed this infographic as a supportive and complementary resource.


Related Areas of Work

January 2022

QUNO Offices connect with the Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas

Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas (FWCC SOA) recently invited QUNO to a meeting with their Regional Coordinators to talk about our work and how Friends around the world can engage with us. It was a small meeting with vast reach, with Regional Coordinators from across the Americas, including the United States, El Salvador and Mexico in attendance, each connected to a Yearly Meeting.


Related Areas of Work

December 2021

Leaders of Quaker international organisations gather and reflect

Eleven leaders from seven international Quaker organisations met at Friends House London and online for three days in early December. They included our incoming and outgoing Directors in New York (Sarah Clarke and Andrew Tomlinson) and in Geneva (Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge and Jonathan Woolley).


Related Areas of Work

November 2021

In & Around the UN

Since our last newsletter in May 2021, QUNO has continued to adjust to the large changes brought about by COVID-19, as well as welcoming new staff and preparing to say goodbye to others. In the past months, the threats to peace that the world faces have become clearer, and what we must achieve has grown.


Related Areas of Work

September 2021

Report on Advancing Prevention Across UN Sectors and Institutions: Collective Pathways for Effective Prevention

The Civil Society-UN Prevention Platform has launched a new report that summarizes the key findings from the recent discussion series on Advancing Prevention Across UN Sectors and Institutions: Collective Pathways for Effective Prevention that brought together Member States, UN agencies, and international and local civil society.


Related Areas of Work

September 2021

Quaker United Nations Office New York names new Director

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and the Quaker United Nations Committee - New York are pleased to announce that Sarah Clarke will be assuming the role of Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) New York Director on November 1.


Related Areas of Work

September 2021

Let us see what Peace can do: A shared statement by peacebuilding organizations

The International Day of Peace falls on 21 September each year and serves as a day devoted to strengthening commitments  towards peace and non-violence. This is the sixth year that QUNO has facilitated the creation and distribution of a sign on statement supported by peacebuilding organizations across the world to engage Member States and the UN system. The 2021 Statement brought together over 200 organizations calling on the international community to refocus on peace, justice and inclusion in development, crisis response and efforts to address climate change and its impacts.

Related Files


July 2021

QUNO NY Programme Assistants Present at New York Yearly Meeting

QUNO NY Programme Assistants (PAs), Molly Burger and Hannah Patterson, recently hosted an interactive discussion on QUNO at New York Yearly Meeting (NYYM) summer sessions. QUNO NY’s Program Assistants have a longstanding tradition of presenting at NYYM. This year’s theme, "Becoming a Sanctuary Where Spirit Dwells," strongly resonated with our PAs regarding the work QUNO does, and we were glad to be able to continue this tradition of engagement, albeit virtually.


Related Areas of Work

May 2021

QUNO Co-Hosts Virtual Dialogue on Prevention with UN, Civil Society, and Member States

The Civil Society – UN Prevention Platform, co-facilitated by QUNO, hosted its first virtual event of 2021. This virtual convening, titled Advancing UN Prevention Efforts Across Sectors and Institutions: Collective Pathways for Effective Prevention, centered on the current state of prevention at the United Nations (UN), building on the Platform’s 2020 Discussion Series on Prevention.


Related Areas of Work

May 2021

In & Around the UN

Since our last newsletter in October 2020, QUNO has continued to adjust to the large changes brought about by COVID-19, the killing of George Floyd, and the drama of a bitterly contested US election. Despite all these challenges, including a now more than year-long shift to virtual work, both for our office and our partners in the UN and other peacebuilding organizations, our work has moved forward.


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