
This is a library of QUNO publications, newsletters, and statements. Recent Publications

October 2014

A QUNO Report from UNFCCC Negotiations published by QEW

In an article written for Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW), QUNO’s Representative for the Human Impacts of Climate Change Programme, Lindsey Fielder Cook, reports from the June negotiations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  She explores some of the challenges, controversies and opportunities that exist at the UNFCCC, the primary multilateral negotiating body responsible for setting the international agenda on climate action.   


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October 2014

Geneva Reporter

In this issue:

  • A New Framework for Trade and Investment in Agriculture
  • Update from the UN Human Rights Council
  • QUNO and the UN Climate Summit
  • Highlights from QUNO New York
  • Peace and Disarmament
  • News in Brief
  • Briefing Paper: The Aarhus Convention

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September 2014

Amicus Curiae opinion on conscientious objection to military service submitted to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea

QUNO has submitted an Amicus Curiae opinion on conscientious objection to military service to the Constitutional Court of Korea jointly with Amnesty International, the International Commission of Jurists, the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, and War Resisters’ International. This opinion is submitted in relation to the cases bought by six conscientious objectors against the government of the Republic of Korea on the basis of the violation of their right to conscientious objection to military service. The opinion outlines to the Constitution Court the position of conscientious objectors in international law, focusing on recent developments in the UN Human Rights Committee. It is believed that over 10,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses have been imprisoned as a result of their conscientious objection to military service since the year 2000, which gives an indication of the severity of the problem.

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September 2014

Call to Conscience - Quaker experiences in facing the challenge of climate change

“A Call to Conscience: Quaker experiences facing the challenge of Climate Change” features interviews with Quakers worldwide on why they care about climate change, and what they are doing to address the challenge locally, nationally and internationally.

QUNO Geneva has created this publication as a form of witness in facing anthropogenic climate change through love and action, rather than fear. The people portrayed span our worldwide Quaker community, from Africa to Europe, Asia Pacific to the Americas. 


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August 2014

Education & the Military: A human rights & peace perspective

In this publication, QUNO questions the presence and influence of the military in primary and secondary education from a peace and human rights perspective. Concerned at the military’s involvement in schools and the militarization of education, QUNO draws attention to relevant international human rights standards that promote education for peace. 


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August 2014

Children of parents sentenced to the death penalty or executed: developments, good practices and next steps

This new publication shares perspectives and learning from a side event at the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council organized by the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) together with Belgium, Mexico, Montenegro and Norway. At the side-event, experts reflected on a number of key issues, including violence against children; the specific application of the death penalty in Japan; good practices in the assistance of foreign nationals on death row abroad by the Mexican government; and developments in the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Periodic Review Process and the UN General Assembly. 

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August 2014

QUNO and Minute 36

Minute 36 (the Canterbury Commitment) challenges Quakers to seek a sustainable, equitable and peaceful life on Earth. Britain Yearly Meeting is responding to this challenge by focusing on how to become a low-carbon sustainable community. The Quaker United Nations Office responds to the same challenge at the international level in our work on climate change, natural resource management, food and sustainability, and human rights.

This briefing paper connects the work of QUNO to the concerns and the spirit of Minute 36, describing the linkages between local, national and international levels of engagement.

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June 2014

Conscientious objectors to military service: Punishment and discriminatory treatment

Conscientious objectors to military service face a number of serious and negative implications for their refusal to perform military service, when the right of conscientious objection is not recognised in their country. These implications can include prosecution and imprisonment, sometimes repeatedly, as well as fines. However, there are a number of other less-well known, but serious implications, which make it difficult for conscientious objectors to secure employment, pursue an education, move freely, exercise their right to vote and otherwise participate fully in public and political life.



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June 2014

Moving Forward in International Negotiations: Four Innovative Examples

This paper presents four examples of multilateral agreements that involved complex negotiations, some spanning several years, others several decades. The examples draw on international processes in environment, disarmament, human rights and trade, exploring some of the factors that led to the adoption of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987), the Mine Ban Treaty (1997), the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000), and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). 


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May 2014

Video: Children of Parents Sentenced to Death



This video explores the situation of children when their parent is sentenced to the death penalty or executed. Drawing on perspectives shared at the side-event co-sponsored by QUNO in September 2013 at the Human Rights Council session, experts from around the world indicated the experiences of children of parents sentenced to death. This video highlights the stigma and discrimination faced by these children and addresses how they are often "ignored, not thought about or conveniently forgotten."

This video was prepared with the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Children of Incarcerated Parents.


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March 2014

Conscientious Objection to Military Service, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement by Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quakers draw attention to the serious and negative implications for those who object to military service when there is no national recognition and implementation of the right to conscientious objection. These implications include: punishment and discriminatory treatment; criminal prosecution; and lack of necessary identity documentation.

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March 2014

Children of Parents Sentenced to Death or Executed, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council

This written statement to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) provides an overview of developments in the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Periodic Review and the General Assembly since the holding of the HRC Panel on Children of parents sentenced to the death or executed.  It recommends, among other things, prompt implementation of the recommendation for a UN expert seminar on the issue, and that moratoria extend to the imposition of death sentences, in addition to executions, and are accompanied by commutation of all existing death sentences.

See also:​

Related Files

March 2014

The right to food and its relation to trade and investment rules, written statement to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement by Friends World Committee for Consultation to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC), Quakers ask that the Right to Food be considered in the development of new policy frameworks for trade and investment in agriculture. It calls on the HRC to encourage the design of alternative approaches to trade and investment rules with people, sustainability and food at the centre and the creation of an enabling international legal environment that supports domestic efforts towards the realization of the right to food.

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March 2014

Oral Statement: Violence experienced by Children of Parents Sentenced to Death or Executed

Delivered to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children.

This statement highlights the psychological and mental violence experienced by children when their parents are sentenced to death or executed. These children have been invisible in statistics, policies and programmes. The statement provides examples of the welcome increasing attention in the UN to the situation and rights of these children. FWCC (Quakers) recommends that much more is done to understand how and why these children are exposed to violence and to undertake actions that can lead to their effective protection.

To view a video recording of the oral statement by QUNO's Rachel Brett, click here.

See also:

Related Files

March 2014

Oral Statement: The right of conscientious objection to military service

In this statement, delivered to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers) highlights the serious and negative implications for conscientious objectors, when the right of conscientious objection is not fully recognised and implemented in practice, and makes recommendations to address the situation and ensure that they can enjoy fully their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.

To view a video recording of the oral statement by QUNO's Emily Graham, click here. QUNO's statement begins at 01:46:50 and can be accessed by selecting the Chapter 47 link in the index listed on the right of the website.

See also:

Conscientious Objection to Military Service, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council

March 2014

International Finance and Investment in Agriculture: Trends and Prospects

Presentation shared during an off the record expert consultation convened by QUNO on a New Framework on Trade and Investment in Agriculture. Participants were invited to review of changes in food systems since the conclusion of the WTO's Agreement on Agriculture and other trade agreements, to better understand the current climate, need and potential for change so that trade and investment rules support all people's food security. 


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