
This is a library of QUNO publications, newsletters, and statements. Recent Publications

March 2014

Children of Parents Sentenced to Death or Executed, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council

This written statement to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) provides an overview of developments in the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Periodic Review and the General Assembly since the holding of the HRC Panel on Children of parents sentenced to the death or executed.  It recommends, among other things, prompt implementation of the recommendation for a UN expert seminar on the issue, and that moratoria extend to the imposition of death sentences, in addition to executions, and are accompanied by commutation of all existing death sentences.

See also:​

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March 2014

The right to food and its relation to trade and investment rules, written statement to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement by Friends World Committee for Consultation to the 25th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC), Quakers ask that the Right to Food be considered in the development of new policy frameworks for trade and investment in agriculture. It calls on the HRC to encourage the design of alternative approaches to trade and investment rules with people, sustainability and food at the centre and the creation of an enabling international legal environment that supports domestic efforts towards the realization of the right to food.

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March 2014

Oral Statement: Violence experienced by Children of Parents Sentenced to Death or Executed

Delivered to the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children.

This statement highlights the psychological and mental violence experienced by children when their parents are sentenced to death or executed. These children have been invisible in statistics, policies and programmes. The statement provides examples of the welcome increasing attention in the UN to the situation and rights of these children. FWCC (Quakers) recommends that much more is done to understand how and why these children are exposed to violence and to undertake actions that can lead to their effective protection.

To view a video recording of the oral statement by QUNO's Rachel Brett, click here.

See also:

Related Files

January 2014

Developing country sui generis options for plant variety protection

These briefing papers on sui generis options for plant variety protection (PVP) are to encourage and support governmental officials and others who wish to develop a PVP system that matches their country’s needs. These briefing papers are the third and fourth in a series on TRIPS-compatible alternatives to UPOV.

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January 2014

Background note: A guide for planning and strategy development in the face of complexity

How can policy makers, managers and practitioners best plan in the face of complexity? Does complexity make planning an irrelevant exercise? This background note is a guide, elaborating how planning and strategy development can be carried out despite complexity.


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December 2013

Conscientious Objection Standards

Rachel Brett, QUNO's representative for Human Rights and Refugees, delivered training to conscientious objectors at the Foro Internacional Por la Objeción de Conciencia al Servicio Militar Obligatorio in Bogotá, Colombia. This presentation focused on the international standards on the right to conscientious objection to military service and alternative service applicable to Colombia.

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December 2013

All voices heard: natural resources, conflict and company-community engagement

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights call for businesses to meaningfully engage with groups who will be affected by their business activities. Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of engaging with local communities throughout the process of a business activity, starting at the planning stages of a project. Civil society groups are advocating a shift from community ‘consultation’ to more meaningful models of community participation in planning and decision making. These approaches are particularly important in projects that affect local access to, and control of, natural resources such as land, water and food.


Related Files

November 2013

Conflict, Violence, and Instability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda Meeting Note

On April 26, 2013, the UN Foundation (UNF), Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), the International Peace Institute (IPI), and the Post-2015 Development Team at the Executive Office of the Secretary-General jointly convened a workshop to assess the impact of conflict, violence, and instability on development. The meeting brought together members from the UN Secretariat, agencies, funds, and programs as well as outside experts to consider strategies for addressing the post-2015 development agenda.

This meeting note summarizes the key themes and ideas that emerged from these discussions.


Related Files

November 2013

A New Framework for Trade and Investment in Agriculture – QUNO`s vision

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) is working with others to explore the purpose, structure and direction of the governance of trade and investment in agriculture. To do this, we are stepping back from international negotiations relating to trade and investment in agriculture and asking questions about what an ideal framework to govern trade and investment in agriculture should look like. This document outlines QUNO's NFTIA vision.

Related Files

October 2013

In & Around the UN

The New York office is pleased to share our most recent Newsletter, featuring articles on the crisis in Syria, sustainable development, women building peace, and QUNO's recognition as one of the world's 100 most influential actors in armed violence reduction.

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October 2013

Definition of 'Breeder' under UPOV

A briefing paper on food, biological diversity and intellectual property for the October 2013 UPOV sessions. It urges delegates to carefully consider their countries' objectives and realities in the area of agriculture when discussing the draft Explanatory Note on the definition of 'breeder' in the UPOV Council and Committee, particularly in relation to the role that smallholder farmers play in plant breeding.


Related Files

October 2013

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from July to October 2013. Features stories:

  • Children of parents sentenced to death or executed
  • New framework for trade and investment in agriculture
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • New energy on nuclear disarmament
  • Highlights from QUNO New York

Related Files

September 2013

Conscientious Objection to Military Service, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 24th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement by Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quakers welcome the growing recognition of the right to conscientious objection to military service, highlight a number of good practices, and again call on states to “fully implement the right of conscientious objection to military service in law and practice”.

Related Files

September 2013

Impact of the death sentence on the children of the accused and measures to mitigate it, joint written statement to the 24th session of the Human Rights Council

This joint written statement was submitted by the Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers), Defence for Children International, Geneva Infant Feeding Association, the International Catholic Child Bureau, the International Institute for Child Protection and SOS Kinderdorf International. This submission highlights the need for increased attention to the impact on children of having a parent sentenced to death or executed. 

Related Files

September 2013

Building Peace around water, land and food: Policy and practice for preventing conflict

Water and land are two of the key natural resources that shape billions of peoples’ livelihoods, food security, wellbeing and identity. Developing management of water, land and food that is equitable and peaceful is an increasingly challenging task due to a multitude of factors – such as resource degradation, population growth and violent conflict – that can fuel tensions and exacerbate vulnerabilities around natural resources. Increasing climate uncertainties now lend an additional urgency to the need to develop appropriate policy and practice at international, national and local levels.


Related Files

September 2013

Oral Statement: Panel on Children of Parents Sentenced to the Death Penalty or Executed

This oral statement was delivered to the Panel on Children of Parents Sentenced to the Death Penalty or Executed at the 24th session of the Human Rights Council. It was submitted jointly by the Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers), Defence for Children International and the International Catholic Child Bureau.

Related Files

September 2013

Children of Parents Sentenced to Death or Executed: How are they affected? How can they be supported?

This document highlights the experiences of children with a parent(s) accused of a capital crime. From the point of arrest, to sentencing, to release or execution of the sentence, the study points out the devastating effects on these children’s physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, these consequences are not paid much attention in criminal justice systems. The study concludes with recommendations for States.

See also



Related Files

August 2013

NFTIA Draft Mapping of Alternative Proposals

QUNO believes that by placing people’s livelihoods and dignity alongside sustainability and food security as the central objectives of agriculture trade, it is possible to envision a new framework of agricultural trade and investment rules that would better enable countries to meet peoples’ long-term food security needs and objectives. This document is a draft mapping of some of the alternatives already proposed.

Related Files

August 2013

QUNO remarks to the Security Council Working Group on Conflict Prevention & Resolution in Africa

Remarks given by QUNO New York to a meeting of the Security Council Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa on the topic of the role of Governance and Institution-Building in Conflict Prevention.

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July 2013

Small-scale Farmers: The missing element in the WIPO-IGC Draft Articles on Genetic Resources

The Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is currently negotiating intellectual property rules around Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions/folklore. The implications of the draft text on small-scale farmers and food security are unclear. Here we explore the possible linkages and questions that should be further explored.


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