
This is a library of QUNO publications, newsletters, and statements. Recent Publications

June 2013

Lightening the Load of the Parental Death Sentence on Children

This is a very detailed study exploring the situations of children whose parents have been sentenced with capital punishment. It looks first at the commonalities between their experiences and those of children whose parents have been incarcerated, and then at the differences between these groups of children. It also sets out recommendations.

See also:



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June 2013

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from June 2013.

Features articles on:

  • Letter from the Director
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • Beijing Meeting on UN Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding
  • A Workshop for Incoming Members of the UN Peacebuilding Commission
  • The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Comes to New York
  • Update on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
  • QUNO Annual Review

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May 2013

A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the International Human Rights System

A user-friendly Guide to using Human Rights System for Conscientious Objectors. Together with the Centre for Civil and Political Rights, War Resisters International and Conscience and Peace Tax International, QUNO has made this guide available on-line and on paper. The Guide, in its own words, “is mainly intended as a web publication […], which allows users a quick overview of relevant human rights mechanisms applicable to their situation. While it can be read as a book, its main use is as an interactive guide. It is aimed at conscientious objectors to military service anywhere in the world who struggle for the recognition of their right to conscientious objection, or against discrimination for being a conscientious objector, and who want to use international or regional human rights systems in their struggle. It can also be used by local or national organizations of conscientious objectors to military service, or by human rights NGOs supporting conscientious objectors to help them to access international or regional human rights systems.”

See also: OHCHR Guide on Conscientious Objection to Military Service.



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March 2013

Statement to the Independent Expert on human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment

The statement encourages the Independent Expert to consider the following:

  • The role that peacebuilding approaches can play in fulfilling procedural rights, in order to achieve both substantive rights and effective environmental poliy, and
  • How small farmers, rural communities and marginalised sections of society can effectively participate in consultation and decision-making processes that relate to their environment.

Related Files

March 2013

Oral Statement on Mental Health of Children of Prisoners

This submission highlights the effects of imprisonment of a parent on mental health of children. It was submitted jointly by Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers) and the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE) to the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council.

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March 2013

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from January to March 2013. Featured stories:​

  • QUNO engagement with climate talks
  • Natural resources, conflict and cooperation
  • Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
  • Highlights from QUNO New York

Related Files

December 2012

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from December 2012.

Features articles on:

  • Letter from the Director
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Palestine Becomes a "Non-Member Observer State"
  • New Perspectives on Somalia

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November 2012

Increasing Trust and Effectiveness Under the UNFCCC: Learning from International Monitoring Processes

As the UNFCCC moves towards new arrangements under the Durban Platform, facilitating trust among its Parties will be vital to enabling and encouraging States to stabilise their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prevent dangerous levels of climate change. An effective and positive monitoring system can be an important part of building mutual trust between Parties to an international Convention, increasing confidence that all Members will fulfill their obligations by providing support for implementation while also identifying areas of non-compliance. This paper is a contribution by the Quaker United Nations Office to a discussion on what effective monitoring under the UNFCCC and its Protocols might look like, offering a small sample of approaches adopted by other international bodies and discussing some of the merits of each. 


Related Files

November 2012

VIDEO: Rachel Brett, QUNO Representative for Human Rights and Refugees, on Conscientious Objection

In this Youtube video uploaded by the Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR Centre), Rachel Brett, QUNO's representative for Human Rights and Refugees, compares the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights Committee with the European Court for Human Rights regarding the right to conscientious objection.

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September 2012

Statement on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

This statement welcomes the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, and discusses Quaker perspectives on the issue.


Related Files

September 2012

Oral Statement: Children of Parents Executed or Sentenced to Death

This submission welcomes the UN Secretary General’s report on the death penalty, in which the children of sentenced persons are recognized. It updates states about recent QUNO efforts to highlight the effects of parental execution or sentencing on children.

See also:

Related Files

September 2012

TRIPS-Related Patent Flexibilities and Food Security: Options For Developing Countries - Policy Guide

Food security is  as a pressing global challenge. Agricultural innovation is critical to addressing it. Equally important is ensuring that the benefits of such innovation are widely diffused, especially in developing countries.

How should countries design their intellectual property (IP) system to encourage and support agricultural innovation?  

The TRIPS Agreement provides WTO Members with flexibility to implement IP provisions in a way consistent with their agriculture and food security objectives. Yet these flexibilities have received little attention so far.

This Policy Guide seeks to fill this gap by providing an overview of TRIPS-related patent flexibilities that support agriculture and food security. 

This Policy Guide is designed for negotiators and policymakers in the areas of intellectual property, agriculture and food policy as well as breeders, farmers and other members of civil society. It also intended to be a useful tool for providers and recipients of technical assistance in the areas of intellectual property and agriculture. 



Related Files

September 2012

Civil Society Statement on Non-Military Solutions in Northern Myanmar

A statement entitled:
"Civil Society Organisations Call for Dialogue and Urgent International Engagement to Support Non-­Military Solutions in Northern Myanmar."

Includes recommendations for immediate action by the Government of Myanmar and the Kachin Independence Army, as well as supportive measures to be taken by China, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the UN.

Jointly authored by:

  • QUNO
  • Transnational Institute
  • Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
  • German Asia Foundation
  • AFSC
  • Burma Centre Netherlands
  • Initiatives for International Dialogues


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