
This is a library of QUNO publications, newsletters, and statements. Recent Publications

September 2012

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from September 2012.

Features articles on:

  • Fast-moving Changes in Myanmar
  • Letter from the Director
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • What Will Replace the Millennium Development Goals?
  • West Africa Reconciliation Conference
  • Grassroots Reconciliation in Burundi
  • QUNO-NY Staff Update

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August 2012

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from May to August 2012. Featured stories:

  • Water, conflict and cooperation
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • Highlights from QUNO New York
  • News in brief
  • Children of parents sentenced to death: New work at QUNO Geneva

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June 2012

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from June 2012.

Features articles on:

  • New Directions: Exploring Alternatives for a Peaceful Solution in Somalia
  • Letter from the Director
  • The joint QUNO Review
  • Consolidating Peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone
  • Sixth World Conference of Friends
  • Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • Meet Elisabeth
  • PA Corner

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June 2012

Putting the Pieces Together: Towards a Unified Approach to Prevention at the UN

A presention by QUNO New York Director Andrew Tomlinson at a seminar hosted by the United Nations Office at Geneva and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (GPP) entitled: “20 Years of ‘An Agenda for Peace’: A New Vision for Conflict Prevention?”

Related Files

June 2012

Letter of Greeting to Friends

Letter to Friends from QUNO New York Director Andrew Tomlinson and QUNO Geneva Director Jonathan Woolley describing the work of QUNO in relation to:

  • The 6th World Gathering of Friends in Kenya
  • Peace & Disarmament
  • Conflict, Collaboration and Natural Resources
  • Human Rights & Refugees
  • Global Economic Issues
  • Peacebuilding & the Prevention of Violent Conflict
  • Quaker Service Agencies at the UN and worldwide
  • David Atwood's Backhouse Lecture

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March 2012

Collateral Convicts: Recommendations and Good Practice from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion 2011

The first time a UN body considered the question children with parents in prison was in September 2011, in a Committee on the Rights of the Child day of general discussion on the topic. This paper details the issues, good practice and recommendations relating to children of prisoners that emerged from that day of general discussion.

See also the related Briefing Paper and Exhibition.



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March 2012

Children of (Alleged) Offenders: Revised Draft Framework for Decision-Making

This publication arose out of QUNO’s wider work on the question of women in prison and children of prisoner’s. The study looks at children of incarcerated parents as individuals unto themselves, rather than as extensions of their parents, and therefore adopts a child’s rights approach. The Revised Draft Framework is a comprehensive exploration of the relevant child rights issues throughout the criminal justice process, from a parent’s arrest or detention to release following imprisonment. Examples of potential good practice, as well as relevant international/regional standards are included.

See also the following oral statement to the 14th session of the Human Rights Council.


Related Files

February 2012

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for November 2011 to February 2012. Featured stories:

- Preventing Armed Violence: the Geneva Declaration Review Conference
- The Unknown Impacts of Seeds Policies: Exploring the Effects of UPOV
- News from QUNO New York
- Watching the Climate Change Negotiations
- News in Brief, Jardins Ouverts, and Publications

Related Files

February 2012

Conscientious Objection to Military Service, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 19th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement by Friends World Committee for Consultation, Quakers stress that conscientious objection to military service is protected under several international human rights mechanisms, and call on states to “fully implement the right of conscientious objection to military service in law and practice.”

Related Files

February 2012

Written statement: Children of incarcerated parents (2012)

In this submission to 19th session of the Human Rights Council, QUNO highlights the risks to physical and mental well-being faced by children of incarcerated parents. It recalls general principles to be kept in mind when considering and/or interacting with these children. Finally, it highlights potential examples of good practice.

See also the written statement on the same subject issued the previous year (2011).

Related Files

February 2012

Children of Parents Sentenced to Death

One of the first QUNO publications to deal exclusively with the question of children whose parents are sentenced to death, paving the way for other documents in the same series. This paper raises awareness of some of the issues facing such children. It considers and elaborates on these issues in as much detail as the literature available at the time permitted, and highlights directions for future study.

See also:



Related Files

January 2012

Conscientious Objection to Military Service (OHCHR Guide)

QUNO was involved in the preparation of this Guide, which was published by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The Guide brings together international standards, jurisprudence and national practice relating to conscientious objection. It is aimed at State officials responsible for drafting and implementing laws, individuals who may be unsure of their rights should they be called to perform military service, and civil society actors seeking to defend the rights of conscientious objectors. It includes a section on the protection of conscientious objectors under international refugee law.

See also A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the International Human Rights System.


Related Files

December 2011

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from December 2011.

Features articles on:

  • UN experts from China
  • Letter from the Director
  • Letter from QUNO Geneva
  • Programme Assistant Corner
  • Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding
  • Prevention Seminar with the Security Council
  • Quaker Collaboration on the Horn of Africa

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November 2011

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service

Conscientious objection to military service is now clearly protected as a human right under international law, even if the term "conscientious objection" does not appear in the international human rights treaties per se.

This paper presents the analysis and findings of the UN Human Rights Committee, the European Court of Human Rights as well as procedures of the Human Rights Council (Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief) that show how conscientious objection to military service is protected under international human rights law, particularly under the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.



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November 2011

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service

This document lays out the ways in which conscientious objection has been recognized and is protected under human rights treaties and mechanisms. In this way, it responds to those who claim that, as conscientious objection to military service is not explicitly recognized by international human rights treaties, it is not protected by them.



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October 2011

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva Newsletter for July 2011 to October 2011. Featured stories:

  • Sustainability: Inspiration for QUNO from Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering
  • REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
  • News from QUNO New York
  • Engaging with Civil Society: Voices on Armed Violence in the Balkans
  • News in Brief
  • If My Parents Go to Prison, What Happens to Me?

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October 2011

If my parents go to prison, what happens to me? (Briefing Paper)

In 2011, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child held a Day of General Discussion on the issue of children of incarcerated parents, marking the first time that this issue had been discussed substantively anywhere within the UN system. This Briefing Paper provides a brief synopsis of the Day of General Discussion.

See also Collateral Convicts: Recommendations and Good Practice, and the related Exhibition.

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