
This is a library of QUNO publications, newsletters, and statements. Recent Publications

April 2021

How to be a Hero for All our Children

How to be a Hero for All our Children: A People's Climate Toolkit is a guide to personal and political climate action. Gathering climate science from the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), alongside suggested personal actions and questions for politicians, “How to be a Hero” is an accessible resource to share with local communities and as part of educational initiatives.

“How to be a Hero” is offered in two versions. The shorter A6 booklet is designed as a conversation starter or to put through doors, and features colourful graphics to engage new readers and visual learners. The A5 “extended version” offers a simpler layout and features further information and questions for politicians. Both publications offer full bibliographies that link readers to the relevant IPCC reports, offering easy and direct access to the climate science given to their governments.

The publications are accessible online and via a “print at home” version which can be used for campaigning and personal distribution. To request a physical copy of the publication, please follow this link.


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March 2021

Sustaining Peace: How can human rights help?

Sustaining Peace: How can human rights help? 2016 – 2020 retrospective builds on learnings from a joint project with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which focused on Operative Paragraph 11 of the 2016 Sustaining Peace resolutions. The report reflects on a selection of key developments, opportunities, and challenges in integrating human rights in sustaining peace in relation to intergovernmental outcomes, policy frameworks and instruments, and UN reform processes. While the report does not claim to be comprehensive, it hopes to serve as a basis for continued reflection, learning and discussions following the 2020 Peacebuilding Architecture Review and resulting twin resolutions.


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February 2021

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service 2021

This updated paper lays out the ways in which conscientious objection has been recognized and is protected under human rights treaties and mechanisms, taking into account developments in international standards that have occurred since 2015. These strengthened standards can be used by frontline organizations as a tool to limit suffering, improve lives and challenge root causes of injustice.

They are available below in English, Russian, Spanish and French. 


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January 2021

QUNO Participates in the Global Launch of the UN Community Engagement Guidelines

As a member of the Joint UN-Civil Society Working Group that developed the Guidelines, QUNO representative, Megan Schmidt, delivered this intervention during the global virtual launch of the UN System-Wide Community Engagement Guidelines on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace. QUNO’s intervention centered on the importance of inclusivity throughout the development of the Guidelines and highlighted the emphasis on a people-centered approach and local leadership that is reflected in the final document.

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December 2020

People's Climate Empowerment Series

QUNO's People's Climate Empowerment Series is a helpful resource to connect people with international efforts that can strengthen climate action at all levels. Our Human Impacts of Climate Change programme has been working on the international climate negotiations since 2011 in support of fair, ambitious and inclusive climate action. Climate change raises profound questions about how we live on the planet. The People's Climate Empowerment Series offers 7 concise "2-siders", which cover different aspects of international climate action, why they matter, and how to get involved. 


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December 2020

Quaker Statement on Migration

Working together American Friends Service Committee, Britain Yearly Meeting, Friends Committee for National Legislation, Quaker Council for European Affairs and Quaker United Nations Office have developed a statement on migration drawing on Quaker foundations and work with migrants and on migration. The core of the statement says:

Rooted in our belief that there is that of the sacred in everyone, our spiritual leading to uphold the inherent value and agency of every human being, and our commitment to building a world without violence, we are heartbroken by migration policy that dehumanizes some members of our human family on the basis of where they come from. We reject the notion that security for some can be achieved through means that use or result in violence and insecurity for others. We abhor the many forms of violence used in the management of migration and the effect current migration systems have in dividing our human family. 

We are committed to working for a world where dignity and rights are upheld regardless of migration status and not on the basis of citizenship or perceived deservedness.  Our faith calls us to work alone and with others for migration justice.  

Friends, Meetings and Quaker agencies and organizations around the world work for migration justice, bearing witness to the Quaker testimonies of peace and equality. Though our working methods may differ, the organizations that developed this statement are united by the shared vision expressed in this statement.

We encourage Meetings, Quaker organizations and Friends’ groups or associations to consider supporting the statement and signing on to it. 

If your organization, group or Meeting would like to sign on to support the statement or if you have questions about the statement or comments on it please email the Quaker UN Office’s Human Rights and Refugees team: Laurel Townhead and Najmah Ali

The list of supporting Meetings, groups and organisations will be updated regularly and can be seen below: 

The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network 

Quaker Earthcare Witness 

Esher Meeting

Trenton Meeting of Friends

West Brattleboro Quaker Worship Group

Montana Gathering of Friends 

Geneva Monthly Meeting

Switzerland Yearly Meeting

Honolulu Friends Meeting

St Andrews Local Meeting

Pima Monthly Meeting

Pittsburgh Friends Meeting

Midlothian Friends Meeting

Bridge City Friends Meeting

Sandpoint Friends Meeting 

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December 2020

Geneva Reporter

QUNO's December 2020 issue of the Geneva Reporter newsletter is available below. This expanded issue includes a special feature with QUNO perspectives on multilateralism and the UN's 75th anniversary. The issue also features brief news updates, recent publications and a QUNO Q&A with 2014 Quaker UN Summer School participant Annie Pickering.

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November 2020

QUNO Contributes to Preparations Ahead of UN Meeting on Impact of COVID-19

The 2020 Joint Session between the Peacebuilding Commission and the Economic and Social Council was convened around the theme of “Fostering global solidarity and conflict sensitive responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-economic impacts.” To support Member States in their preparations for the discussion, QUNO shared a messages document with Member State and UN colleagues ahead of the joint session that reflected on challenges and opportunities faced by the international community in building back better from crisis, especially in countries most affected by conflict.

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November 2020

Quaker Model United Nations Conference Keynote Address

This keynote address was delivered during the 2020 Quaker Model United Nations Conference (QMUNC) hosted by Moorestown Friends School.  QMUNC brought together passionate students from across the world to engage in a Model UN Debate that incorporates the Quaker Testimonies alongside the traditional elements of the United Nations. Megan Schmidt, who leads QUNO NY’s peacebuilding program, delivered the keynote address, sharing reflections on QUNO’s nearly 75 years of work at the UN and how QUNO grounds its work in Quaker faith and practice. 

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October 2020

United Nations Community Engagement Guidelines for Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace

As the Secretary-General boldly states in his 2020 report on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, “civil society engagement and participation is indispensable to peacebuilding.” Recognizing this essential role of civil society, the United Nations (UN) released Community Engagement Guidelines on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (CEG), a system-wide guidance to enhance how the UN engages and partners with communities in the shared effort to build and sustain peace. This publication resulted from work carried out since 2019 by a joint UN-civil society working group, of which QUNO was one of three civil society partners.

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October 2020

The Peacebuilding Implications of Energy Transitions to a Carbon-Neutral Future

This paper forms the second in a QUNO series on energy and peacebuilding. It follows on from the 2018 paper, “The Role of Decentralized Renewable Energy in Peacebuilding”, by Isobel Edwards, which explored the role of decentralized renewable energy as a peacebuilding tool. This paper explores the peacebuilding implications of energy transitions towards a carbon-neutral future. It examines, on the one hand, the potential risks that abrupt or unmanaged ‘cut off points’ from fossil fuels may pose for peace, and the role that sustainable and just transitions can play in mitigating this.

This is a working paper, designed to encourage further discussions around energy transitions and peacebuilding. Comments are welcome and can be sent to


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October 2020

In & Around the UN

Read QUNO New York’s newsletter, In & Around the UN, featuring articles on:

  • Building Peace through Reconciliation
  • Supporting Country-level UN Capacities for Prevention
  • 15 Years of UN Peacebuilding

and more from New York.

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October 2020

QUNO Submission to the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights

This submission by the Quaker United Nations Office explores how incorporating the human rights of people in poverty into national plans for a greener economy can promote fairer, more ambitious and effective outcomes to address root causes of climate change, enhance biodiversity, and transform power structures that maintain avoidable and extreme poverty.

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October 2020

Briefing Paper: Not Forgotten: Human Rights of Migrants at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) believes in the inherent worth of every individual and is committed to working for migration justice. This includes the promotion and protection of the human rights of migrants, regardless of migration status. Migration has been an integral component of our societies throughout history; however, migrants continue to face hostility, criminalization and violence which underlines what the High Commissioner of Human Rights has described as a lethal disregard for migrant’s lives. This is further exacerbated by the Covid-19 global pandemic which is disproportionately impacting on those in situations of marginalization and vulnerability.

The Human Rights Council has an important role to play in the promotion and protection of the human rights of migrants and should contribute both to preventing violations and responding to human rights violations. This report provides a thorough collection of relevant elements from thematic reports, panels, debates, dialogues and resolutions and identifies potential entry points through activities mandated in resolutions adopted at this session.


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October 2020

Building Peace during the Pandemic – A Conversation between QUNO and the UNPBSO

Building Peace during the Pandemic with Andrew Tomlinson, Director of the Quaker UN Office

In recognition of the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on global peace and security, the United Nations (UN) Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) convened a series of conversations to understand peacebuilding and sustaining peace in the context of the pandemic. QUNO Director, Andrew Tomlinson, was invited to be interviewed for such a discussion, with QUNO serving as the first civil society organization to share reflections in this series. In this interview, Andrew reflects on the challenges and opportunities for peacebuilding that have come out of the pandemic and explores ways that the UN can connect the short-term humanitarian crisis response to longer-term sustainable peace and development goals.

October 2020

Briefing Paper: Using the Regional Migration Reviews to Further Human Rights Protection

The Global Compact for Migration (GCM), adopted in 2018, is a significant commitment from governments to take a people centred and human rights based approach to migration policy and to work together towards this. The GCM invites regions to undertake reviews of the implementation of the compact every four years starting in 2020. These processes will feed into the International Migration Review Forum, also due to take place every four years, starting in 2022.

The 2020 Regional Migration Reviews are the first opportunity for States and others to reflect together on the initial steps taken and on how to make further progress to implement the GCM. They are also the first opportunity for detailed multilateral discussion on migration governance following the Covid-19 pandemic and to identify ways to adapt with the GCM as a guiding framework. 

This paper is intended to help migrants, NGOs and other stakeholders to engage with the Regional Migration Reviews as part of their work to improve the promotion and protection of the human rights of migrants.


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October 2020

Exploring Structural Barriers to Justice and Sustainability in Economic Systems

QUNO Representative for Sustainable and Just Economic Systems Joachim Monkelbaan contributed to the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung publication “Building Back Better: A Call for Courage” with a chapter on “Exploring Structural Barriers to Justice and Sustainability in Economic Systems: The Example of Trade and WTO Transformation.” The piece starts by exploring some global challenges like inequality and climate change, then delves into the root causes of those challenges, and suggests some structural remedies for addressing those root causes (including looking at the role of trade and the WTO). A podcast interview with Joachim discussing his chapter of the publication is also available below.



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October 2020

Geneva Reporter

QUNO's October 2020 issue of the Geneva Reporter newsletter is available below. This expanded issue includes a special feature from our programme Representatives on the impact of Covid on our work and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This issue also features a Q&A with our 2019-2020 PAs on their experience leading the first ever virtual Summer School; brief news updates and a QUNO Q&A with Beatrice Liese.

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September 2020

The time is now: Recommit to Peace

21 September marks the International Day of Peace, a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace and a commitment towards non-violence. Since 2015, QUNO New York has led the call from peacebuilding organizations around the world in issuing a statement to Member States and the UN system. In 2020, QUNO, along with over 170 peacebuilding organizations called for peace to be mainstreamed in the response to COVID-19, for policies to be inclusive, and for the global community to recommit to multilateralism. In addition, QUNO distributed a press release on the statement, which was shared widely with media contacts covering the United Nations. 

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