
This is a library of QUNO publications, newsletters, and statements. Recent Publications

September 2010

Agricultural Trade and Investment Rules for the 21st Century

The world of agriculture policy has changed fundamentally since the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture was adopted. This is a report of a panel discussion held during the WTO Public Forum, September 2010, that aimed to present some of the challenges facing world agriculture today, and how these could be addressed.

In particular, the session focused on the need for agriculture to provide food for the world’s population in a sustainable way. Presenters raised some issues in the Doha Round, the potential for sustainable agriculture to feed the world, and the role that food reserves can play in ensuring food security.


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September 2010

Proposal to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for a Day of General Discussion on children of prisoners

Several international and national NGOs, together with experts, requested that the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) consider dedicating its 2011 Day of General Discussion to the issue of Children of Imprisoned Parents. This document is the actual text of their proposal to the CRC. It includes a statement of the problem of children of imprisoned parents, and suggestions on what the content of the Day of General Discussion could include.

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July 2010

Amicus Brief in the case of Vahan Bayatyan vs. Armenia (European Court of Human Rights)

These are written comments submitted by Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers) jointly with Amnesty International, Conscience and Peace Tax International, International Commission of Jurists and War Resisters’ International. They were submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Vahan Bayatyan (The Applicant) vs. ARMENIA (The Respondent Government). The submission argues that conscientious objection to military service is protected under the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Art. 9 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms).

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June 2010

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for February to June 2010. Featured stories:

  • Armed Violence & the Millennium Development Goals
  • UPOV, Intellectual Property & Food
  • Non Proliferation Treaty Review Conference Concludes on Positive Note
  • New UN Ruling on Conscientious Objection to Military Service
  • Update from QUNO New York
  • Vacancy Announcement: QUNO Geneva Director

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June 2010

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from June 2010.

Features articles on:

  • Finding the Heart of Peacebuilding
  • Letter from the Director
  • Haiti: Earthquake Response
  • Learning from Somali Peace Processes
  • China’s Changing Role at the UN
  • Preventing Election Violence in Burundi
  • Healing and Reconciliation in DRC
  • QUNO Staff Changes
  • Nuclear Review Conference

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June 2010

10 Wishes

This resource comprises of a presentation given at a side-event of the 14th Session of the Human Rights Council in June 2010.

“In early 2010, Riksbryggan, a Swedish organization working with children of imprisoned parents, asked a group of children what would need to change to make it easier for them to have a parent in prison. [This presentation is made up of] the children’s wishes and drawings.”

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June 2010

Oral Statement: Human Rights of Women Prisoners and Children of Prisoners

In this oral statement delivered at the 14th session of the Human Rights Council, Quakers welcome the progress made in developing new draft UN Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders, noting that they did addressed only a limited aspect of the problem. The submission highlights QUNO’s draft Framework for Decision-Making in Relation to Children of Offenders, requesting comments. It also welcomes proposed EU research on the issue of children in prison, to fill critical gaps in knowledge.

See also: Children of (Alleged) Offenders: Revised Draft Framework for Decision-Making.

Related Files

May 2010

Conscientious Objection to Military Service, written statement submitted by FWCC to the 14th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement, Quakers highlight several cases before international human rights mechanisms where conscientious objection to military service is at issue, offering comments and recommendations.

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May 2010

Conscientious Objection to Military Service: Written statement submitted by FWCC to the 14th session of the Human Rights Council

In this written statement, Quakers highlight several cases before international human rights mechanisms where conscientious objection to military service is at issue, offering comments and recommendations.

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May 2010

Written Statement: Children of Prisoners (2010)

In this submission to the 14th session of the Human Rights Council, Quakers highlight the problem of children of incarcerated parents, and some of the progress made on the issue in the international arena. It also highlights QUNO’s range of research, studies and publications on the issue. The submission includes specific recommendations for the UN Human Rights Council in moving the issue forward.

Related Files

April 2010

Security, Peacebuilding & Civil Society

Presented by QUNO New York Director Andrew Tomlinson at the EU-ISS seminar entitled “Peacebuilding and the Security-Development Nexus,” with a particular focus on the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture including the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC).

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March 2010

Remarks by QUNO on the UN Peacebuilding Commission

A draft of this paper, "Towards Defining the Comparative Advantage of the PBC," was presented by QUNO New York Director Andrew Tomlinson at a roundtable discussion at the International Peace Institute entitled “Reviewing the PBC: Perspectives from Civil Society."

Related Files

January 2010

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for November to January 2010. Featured stories:

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service
  • Securing the Millennium Development Goals
  • A Letter from QUNO New York
  • Reasons to be Hopeful? Prospects for the Disarmament Agenda 2010
  • Women in Prison
  • QUNO Seeks New Programme Assistants
  • From Trade Justice to Climate Justice? Reflections Around the WTO’s 2009 Ministerial Conference
  • Quaker United Nations Summer School
  • Quakers at the Copenhagen Climate Conference
  • Panel Discussion on Intellectual Property and Food

Related Files

January 2010

Ripples into Waves - Locally led Peacebuilding

This paper aims to demonstrate that peacebuilding initiatives can be led by local rather than international players and that this approach can work successfully on a large scale. The paper summarises four peacebuilding initiatives, all more or less locally led, which have operated on a large scale, and which have had real impact in ending violent conflict. It sets out steps that could be taken to move from current practice, in which local capacity for peacebuilding is viewed as marginal, to one where it is regarded as a central element of any strategy for managing conflict.


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October 2009

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for August to October 2009. Featured stories:

  • Detention and Prisoners at the UN Human Rights Council
  • Climate Migrants
  • Churches Called to Uphold Conscientious Objection to Military Service
  • Secretary General’s Report on Armed Violence and Development Breaks New Ground

Related Files

September 2009

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from September 2009.

Features articles on:

  • UN Peacekeeping
  • Peacebuilding and Early Recovery
  • Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
  • GA President to Prioritize Poverty, Human Rights
  • Strengthening UN Efforts in Peacemaking & Preventive Diplomacy
  • Developing Leadership in a Troubled World
  • Letter from the Director

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August 2009

Orphans of Justice - In search of the best interests of the child when a parent is imprisoned: A Legal Analysis

This paper is part of a series of publications looking at the different aspects of the impact of parental imprisonment on children. Jean Tomkin, an Irish trainee solicitor had written her Masters’ dissertation on the issue of children of imprisoned parents, and re-worked and updated it for publication under QUNO’s series. The publication explores the legal issues concerning the rights of the child in these circumstances, and studies case law from several contexts. QUNO hopes the publication will “encourage and enable lawyers, judges, policy-makers and activists to understand why and how the best interests of the child can and should be taken into account when a parent with caring responsibilities for children comes within the criminal justice system.”



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August 2009

A Curate's Egg UN Human Rights Council: Year 3, 19 June 2008 to 18 June 2009

This is the third such publication developed by Rachel Brett on the workings of the UN Human Right’s Council. This report covers the period from 19 June 2008 to 18 June 2009, “the first ‘normal’ operational year of the Human Rights Council.” It explains the workings of the Council’s mechanisms and outlines its achievements and particular problems. It also looks in general at the substantive work of the Council, giving an overview of issues of particular importance for QUNO.



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July 2009

Children Need Dads Too: Children with Fathers in Prison

Since 2003, QUNO has worked on the issue of women in prison and children of imprisoned mothers, raising awareness about various issues arising from maternal incarceration. This study, by contrast, looks at the impact of paternal incarceration on children, exploring the similarities and differences between these situations and those where it is a child’s mother that is imprisoned.



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