
inclusion of local perspectives

QUNO helps to bridge the gap between civil society actors in the field and the UN in New York.
March 2015

Palestinian Youth Organizers: Breaking Barriers - Building Movements

QUNO, in collaboration with the American Friends Service Committee, facilitated an Israel-Palestine NGO Working Group event “Palestinian Youth Organizers: Breaking Barriers - Building Movements.” The talk featured three young Palestinian women from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem who had previously traveled to select U.S. cities to discuss and address issues of Palestinian fragmentation, freedom of movement, their personal experiences and day-to-day realities of living and studying in Gaza, the West Bank and more.

Related Areas of Work

March 2015

Bringing the Voices of Local Peacebuilders to the UN

The New York Peacebuilding Group, a gathering of organisations (the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, the International Peace Institute, Interpeace, PAX, Peace Direct, the Quaker United Nations Office, and World Vision) engaged on various peace-related issues at the UN and in country hosted local civil society representatives from Burundi, the Central African Republic, Guatemala, Liberia, Mali, South Africa, and Timor Leste in New York.


Related Areas of Work

December 2014

QUNO launches FCNL Report on Natural Resources in the Central African Republic

In early December, QUNO hosted the Friends Committee on National Legislation launch of a policy brief titled: "Central African Republic Crisis: Managing Natural Resources for Peace." Engaging with a range of stakeholders, a series of Quaker House meetings in New York emphasized the importance of fostering transparent and accountable systems of management for the wealth of natural resources across the Central African Republic.

Related Areas of Work

July 2014

Read the New York office's most recent Newsletter, In & Around the UN

The New York office is please to share our most recent Newsletter, featuring articles on Burundi, Somalia, Peacebuilding, the post-2015 Development Agenda and the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Related Areas of Work

June 2014

QUNO Contributes to Peacebuilding Commission Annual Session

QUNO was invited to participate in the first ever UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Annual Session in New York on June 23rd, which focused on Sustainable support for peacebuilding: the domestic and international aspects. Andrew Tomlinson, QUNO Director, made comments in the workshop sessions on “The importance of inclusion, transparency and consultation in revenue mobilization” and “Long-term accompaniment of societies in transition: a role for the PBC?”


Related Areas of Work

June 2014

QUNO hosts photo exhibit This Light That Pushes Me: Stories of African Peacebuilders

QUNO hosted an evening reception for the photography exhibition, This Light That Pushes Me: Stories of African Peacebuilders at Quaker House in New York. This photography exhibition highlights African Quaker peacebuilders from nine sub-Saharan African countries who have all experienced some form of violence and are now working for peace in their local communities. The exhibition, and accompanying book, trace the journeys that have transformed that suffering into a force for social change.

Related Areas of Work

March 2014

QUNO contributes to AFSC article on Syrian women’s participation in peace processes

March marks women’s history month, and at the UN is the very busy time of the Commission on the Status of Women. QUNO New York staff contributed the UN perspective to this article produced by American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), highlighting the importance of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, among other international tools for the inclusion of women in peacebuilding.

Related Areas of Work

January 2014

Breakfast dialogue on Peace, Poverty and Violence

In December QUNO,  the Baha’i International Community: United Nations Office, and ATD Fourth World partnered to host a breakfast dialogue on the topic of “Peace, poverty, and violence; interlinkages for sustainable development.” The breakfast was attended by a wide range of UN staff, Member States, and representatives from civil society. Keynote speakers included a representative from the Permanent Mission of Timor Leste, as well as Sarah Cliffe, special adviser and assistant secretary-general of Civilian Capacities to the United Nations.

Related Areas of Work

October 2013

In & Around the UN

The New York office is pleased to share our most recent Newsletter, featuring articles on the crisis in Syria, sustainable development, women building peace, and QUNO's recognition as one of the world's 100 most influential actors in armed violence reduction.

Related Areas of Work

May 2013

Strengthening local perspectives in peacebuilding

Diane Hendrick from QUNO Geneva and Camilla Campisi from QUNO New York participated in a meeting in Uppsala, Sweden entitled ‘Towards a Comprehensive Strategy for Inclusivity: Strengthening the role of local perspectives in peacebuildling,’ co-organized by the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.

Related Areas of Work

February 2013

Workshop for New Members of the PBC

QUNO New York and the International Peace Institute co-organized a workshop for new and incoming members of the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) in February 2013. The half-day workshop for expert level diplomats focused on a range of topics relating to the PBC including political accompaniment, reconciliation & peacebuilding, and defining the role of PBC membership.


Related Areas of Work

June 2012

Building Just Societies

 QUNO participated in an international workshop on the topic of Building Just Societies: Reconciliation in Transitional Settings held in Accra, Ghana. The workshop was organized by the UN Peacebuilding Support Office and QUNO played a key role in the design and implementation of this initiative. QUNO Director Andrew Tomlinson also facilitated one of the workshop sessions on the topic of Stakeholders and the Role of Civil Society in Reconciliation.


Related Areas of Work

June 2012

Peacebuilding in Burundi: A visit from Adrien Niyongabo

QUNO New York hosted a visited by a Burundian Quaker, Adrien Niyongabo, with the local grassroots organization Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities (HROC). At a meeting at Quaker House with experts from the UN and diplomats, Adrien shared his experiences in trauma healing and reconciliation in Burundi as well as his perspectives on the national truth and reconciliation process.

Related Areas of Work

March 2012

Consolidating Peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone

QUNO organized a public event co-hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to the UN with London-based NGO Conciliation Resources to launch their Accord series report entitled Consolidating Peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone which highlights the perspectives of civil society and local actors on ways forward in the areas of peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict in both countries.

Related Areas of Work

June 2011

Public Statement on Fighting in Northern Myanmar

In June 2011, QUNO New York worked with other partner organisations to publish a public statement in response to fighting that had erupted in northern Myanmar. The statement included recommendations for immediate action by the Government of Myanmar and the Kachin Independence Army, as well as supportive measures to be taken by China, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the UN.

Related Areas of Work

November 2010

Worldwide Civil Society "Best Practice" Seminars

QUNO co-organised platforms for civil society leaders and practitioners to present their work and interact with professionals from governments and development cooperation agencies on Armed Violence and Development, during regional "Best Practice" seminars in Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Kathmandu, Abuja and Zagreb. These seminars were held between between November 2010 and September 2011.

Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
January 2010

Publication of Ripples into Waves

QUNO facilitated a visit by Carolyn Hayman, Chief Executive of Peace Direct to Quaker House in New York to lead a discussion with representatives of the UN peacebuilding community on the potential for locally-led peacebuilding initiatives to create “peace writ large”. This discussion led to the publication by Peace Direct and QUNO of Ripples into Waves, an analysis of how civil society peacebuilding processes can scale successfully.

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