Resources for:

Peacebuilding & Prevention of Violent Conflict

January 2009

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from January 2009.

Features articles on:

  • Peacebuilding and Early Recovery
  • Letter from the Director
  • Burundi: The Road to Peace
  • Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
  • Interfaith Dialogue with the Iranian President
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • New QUNO Team

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January 2009

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter from November 2008 to January 2009. Featured stories:

  • The Future of Armed Violence and Development
  • Universal Periodic Review
  • Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations at the WTO
  • Arms Control and the Art of Putting People First
  • Caroline Dommen joins QUNO Staff Team and other staff news

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October 2008

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter from August to October 2008. Featured articles:

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service
  • Geneva Declaration Summit
  • Transfer of Technology and Developing countries
  • CD Impasse Continues - 12 Years and Counting (Out?)
  • Staff News

Related Files

July 2008

Disarmament and Development: One Coin, Two Sides? A Briefing for Friends

This Briefing presents QUNO's work relating to demand for small arms, and how this led to the creation of the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development. The Declaration’s unique approach will be of interest to Quaker service organizations and other partners working in fields such as arms control, public health, development and poverty eradication. This report aims to consolidate understanding of the links between armed violence and development across these various communities.

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June 2008

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from June 2008.

Features articles on:

  • Continuing Challenges in Iraq
  • Postcard from China
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • UN Forum on indigenous issues
  • UN Peacebuilding commission
  • Northern Uganda: Juba peace talks
  • New Director

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June 2008

Disarmament and Development: One Coin, Two Sides? A briefing for Friends

This background paper aims to give Friends an overview of the “Geneva Declaration” process, and of QUNO’s involvement in it. This process seeks to highlight the links between armed violence and development, and to focus international attention on the reasons for which there is a demand for small arms and light weapons, rather than focusing, as is traditionally the case, on controlling the supply and transfer of small arms and light weapons.

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January 2006

Demanding Attention: Addressing the Dynamics of Small Arms Demand

This is a joint publication by QUNO and the Small Arms Survey.  It summarizes the findings of a multi-year project that included research in Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. The paper aimed to inform the debates at the 2006 Review Conference (reviewing implementation of the 2001 UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects). Most international debates focus on the supply-related dimensions of small arms problems, which include, for instance, regulating arms brokers, establishing controls on arms transfers etc. This paper brings a necessary, complementary view, to broaden the international community’s understanding of those demand factors that underpin and drive small arms dynamics. The paper provides some practical suggestions about how demand issues may be taken up in the future.



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