Resources for:

Peacebuilding & Prevention of Violent Conflict

June 2013

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from June 2013.

Features articles on:

  • Letter from the Director
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • Beijing Meeting on UN Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, and Peacebuilding
  • A Workshop for Incoming Members of the UN Peacebuilding Commission
  • The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Comes to New York
  • Update on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
  • QUNO Annual Review

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March 2013

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from January to March 2013. Featured stories:​

  • QUNO engagement with climate talks
  • Natural resources, conflict and cooperation
  • Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
  • Highlights from QUNO New York

Related Files

March 2013

Statement to the Independent Expert on human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment

The statement encourages the Independent Expert to consider the following:

  • The role that peacebuilding approaches can play in fulfilling procedural rights, in order to achieve both substantive rights and effective environmental poliy, and
  • How small farmers, rural communities and marginalised sections of society can effectively participate in consultation and decision-making processes that relate to their environment.

Related Files

December 2012

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from December 2012.

Features articles on:

  • Letter from the Director
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Palestine Becomes a "Non-Member Observer State"
  • New Perspectives on Somalia

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September 2012

Civil Society Statement on Non-Military Solutions in Northern Myanmar

A statement entitled:
"Civil Society Organisations Call for Dialogue and Urgent International Engagement to Support Non-­Military Solutions in Northern Myanmar."

Includes recommendations for immediate action by the Government of Myanmar and the Kachin Independence Army, as well as supportive measures to be taken by China, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the UN.

Jointly authored by:

  • QUNO
  • Transnational Institute
  • Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
  • German Asia Foundation
  • AFSC
  • Burma Centre Netherlands
  • Initiatives for International Dialogues


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September 2012

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from September 2012.

Features articles on:

  • Fast-moving Changes in Myanmar
  • Letter from the Director
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • What Will Replace the Millennium Development Goals?
  • West Africa Reconciliation Conference
  • Grassroots Reconciliation in Burundi
  • QUNO-NY Staff Update

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September 2012

Statement on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

This statement welcomes the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, and discusses Quaker perspectives on the issue.


Related Files

August 2012

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from May to August 2012. Featured stories:

  • Water, conflict and cooperation
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • Highlights from QUNO New York
  • News in brief
  • Children of parents sentenced to death: New work at QUNO Geneva

Related Files

June 2012

Putting the Pieces Together: Towards a Unified Approach to Prevention at the UN

A presention by QUNO New York Director Andrew Tomlinson at a seminar hosted by the United Nations Office at Geneva and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (GPP) entitled: “20 Years of ‘An Agenda for Peace’: A New Vision for Conflict Prevention?”

Related Files

June 2012

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from June 2012.

Features articles on:

  • New Directions: Exploring Alternatives for a Peaceful Solution in Somalia
  • Letter from the Director
  • The joint QUNO Review
  • Consolidating Peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone
  • Sixth World Conference of Friends
  • Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Update from QUNO Geneva
  • Meet Elisabeth
  • PA Corner

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February 2012

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for November 2011 to February 2012. Featured stories:

- Preventing Armed Violence: the Geneva Declaration Review Conference
- The Unknown Impacts of Seeds Policies: Exploring the Effects of UPOV
- News from QUNO New York
- Watching the Climate Change Negotiations
- News in Brief, Jardins Ouverts, and Publications

Related Files

December 2011

In & Around the UN

QUNO New York newsletter from December 2011.

Features articles on:

  • UN experts from China
  • Letter from the Director
  • Letter from QUNO Geneva
  • Programme Assistant Corner
  • Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding
  • Prevention Seminar with the Security Council
  • Quaker Collaboration on the Horn of Africa

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October 2011

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva Newsletter for July 2011 to October 2011. Featured stories:

  • Sustainability: Inspiration for QUNO from Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering
  • REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
  • News from QUNO New York
  • Engaging with Civil Society: Voices on Armed Violence in the Balkans
  • News in Brief
  • If My Parents Go to Prison, What Happens to Me?

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