Resources for:

Human Impacts of Climate Change

December 2013

All voices heard: natural resources, conflict and company-community engagement

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights call for businesses to meaningfully engage with groups who will be affected by their business activities. Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of engaging with local communities throughout the process of a business activity, starting at the planning stages of a project. Civil society groups are advocating a shift from community ‘consultation’ to more meaningful models of community participation in planning and decision making. These approaches are particularly important in projects that affect local access to, and control of, natural resources such as land, water and food.


Related Files

September 2013

Building Peace around water, land and food: Policy and practice for preventing conflict

Water and land are two of the key natural resources that shape billions of peoples’ livelihoods, food security, wellbeing and identity. Developing management of water, land and food that is equitable and peaceful is an increasingly challenging task due to a multitude of factors – such as resource degradation, population growth and violent conflict – that can fuel tensions and exacerbate vulnerabilities around natural resources. Increasing climate uncertainties now lend an additional urgency to the need to develop appropriate policy and practice at international, national and local levels.


Related Files

March 2013

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from January to March 2013. Featured stories:​

  • QUNO engagement with climate talks
  • Natural resources, conflict and cooperation
  • Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
  • Highlights from QUNO New York

Related Files

March 2013

Statement to the Independent Expert on human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment

The statement encourages the Independent Expert to consider the following:

  • The role that peacebuilding approaches can play in fulfilling procedural rights, in order to achieve both substantive rights and effective environmental poliy, and
  • How small farmers, rural communities and marginalised sections of society can effectively participate in consultation and decision-making processes that relate to their environment.

Related Files

November 2012

Increasing Trust and Effectiveness Under the UNFCCC: Learning from International Monitoring Processes

As the UNFCCC moves towards new arrangements under the Durban Platform, facilitating trust among its Parties will be vital to enabling and encouraging States to stabilise their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prevent dangerous levels of climate change. An effective and positive monitoring system can be an important part of building mutual trust between Parties to an international Convention, increasing confidence that all Members will fulfill their obligations by providing support for implementation while also identifying areas of non-compliance. This paper is a contribution by the Quaker United Nations Office to a discussion on what effective monitoring under the UNFCCC and its Protocols might look like, offering a small sample of approaches adopted by other international bodies and discussing some of the merits of each. 


Related Files

September 2012

Statement on the Human Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

This statement welcomes the work of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, and discusses Quaker perspectives on the issue.


Related Files

August 2012

Geneva Reporter

Geneva's newsletter from May to August 2012. Featured stories:

  • Water, conflict and cooperation
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • Highlights from QUNO New York
  • News in brief
  • Children of parents sentenced to death: New work at QUNO Geneva

Related Files

February 2012

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for November 2011 to February 2012. Featured stories:

- Preventing Armed Violence: the Geneva Declaration Review Conference
- The Unknown Impacts of Seeds Policies: Exploring the Effects of UPOV
- News from QUNO New York
- Watching the Climate Change Negotiations
- News in Brief, Jardins Ouverts, and Publications

Related Files

October 2011

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva Newsletter for July 2011 to October 2011. Featured stories:

  • Sustainability: Inspiration for QUNO from Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering
  • REDD - Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
  • News from QUNO New York
  • Engaging with Civil Society: Voices on Armed Violence in the Balkans
  • News in Brief
  • If My Parents Go to Prison, What Happens to Me?

Countries / Regions: 

Related Files

January 2011

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for November 2010 to January 2011. Featured stories:

  • About the year-in-review issue
  • From Policy-makers to Practitioners: Disarmament and Peace 2010
  • From Seeds to Sustainability: Global Economic Issues 2010
  • From Prisons to Protection :Human Rights and Refugees 2010
  • Update from QUNO New York
  • QUNO Summer School 2011
  • Staff Update

Related Files

October 2010

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for July to October 2010. Featured stories:

  • The Dangerous Lure of "Climate Change and ..."
  • BMS 4: Modest progress on Small Arms
  • Children of Prisoners on the Agenda at the UN
  • Stalemated Conference on Disarmament Under Scrutiny
  • Conscientious Objection: Amicus brief
  • Update from QUNO New York: The Trouble with Elections
  • Staff Changes

Related Files

January 2010

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for November to January 2010. Featured stories:

  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service
  • Securing the Millennium Development Goals
  • A Letter from QUNO New York
  • Reasons to be Hopeful? Prospects for the Disarmament Agenda 2010
  • Women in Prison
  • QUNO Seeks New Programme Assistants
  • From Trade Justice to Climate Justice? Reflections Around the WTO’s 2009 Ministerial Conference
  • Quaker United Nations Summer School
  • Quakers at the Copenhagen Climate Conference
  • Panel Discussion on Intellectual Property and Food

Related Files

October 2009

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for August to October 2009. Featured stories:

  • Detention and Prisoners at the UN Human Rights Council
  • Climate Migrants
  • Churches Called to Uphold Conscientious Objection to Military Service
  • Secretary General’s Report on Armed Violence and Development Breaks New Ground

Related Files

April 2009

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter for February to April 2009. Featured stories:

  • Women in Prison: New Steps and Resolutions
  • Making a Difference on Global Economic Issues
  • Conscientious Objection at the Human Rights Council
  • New Momentum in Nuclear Disarmament

Related Files

January 2009

Geneva Reporter

QUNO Geneva's newsletter from November 2008 to January 2009. Featured stories:

  • The Future of Armed Violence and Development
  • Universal Periodic Review
  • Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations at the WTO
  • Arms Control and the Art of Putting People First
  • Caroline Dommen joins QUNO Staff Team and other staff news

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