
October 2019

QUNO welcomes the launch of UN Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty

The Child Rights Connect Working Group on Children of Incarcerated Parents, which QUNO co-convenes, welcomes the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty. We particularly welcome the Study’s detailed discussion on the rights of children living in prison with a parent, and the research which has been undertaken on this crucial subject.

Laurel Townhead, Human Rights and Refugees Representative for the Quaker United Nations Office and co-convenor of the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Children of Incarcerated Parents said:


Related Areas of Work

October 2019

How the Human Rights pillar is contributing to Arms Control

QUNO recently co-organized a discussion on “How the Human Rights pillar is contributing to Arms Control” as part of the New Shapes: Weapons Governance conference in October, in collaboration with the Women's League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Amnesty International, and the Permanent Mission of Peru to the United Nations.


Related Areas of Work

October 2019

Eliminating harmful fisheries subsidies in the WTO

QUNO hosted several meetings in 2019 on the negotiations at the WTO on the elimination of harmful fisheries subsidies, and specifically on reflecting in those negotiations the interests of the approximately 90 million people whose livelihoods depend on small-scale fisheries. Apparently, 1 billion people depend on fish as their main source of protein (largely in developing countries). 


Related Areas of Work

September 2019

The Human Rights Council: advancing the rights of children of incarcerated parents

At the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council, QUNO welcomed several discussions and documents which incorporated a focus on children of parents incarcerated parents, and children of parents sentenced to death or executed. We delivered an oral statement on the rights of children of parents sentenced to death or executed.


Related Areas of Work

September 2019

IPCC Report on the Ocean and Cryopshere

QUNO, under the Friends World Committee for Consultation, is the only faith-based organization accredited as an observer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which collates the most recent climate science findings to advise all countries. While government representatives cannot change the underlying scientific text in the reports, they can negotiate language in the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM), so long as the integrity of the findings is not affected.


Related Areas of Work

August 2019

IPCC Report on Climate Change and Land

Deforestation in Brazil’s Para state. Andre Penner/AP

QUNO, under the Friends World Committee for Consultation, is the only faith-based organization accredited as an observer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which  collates climate science findings to advise all countries. While government representatives cannot change text in the reports, they can negotiate language in the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM), so long as the integrity of the findings is not affected. Negotiation can result in weakening SPM language.


Related Areas of Work

August 2019

Geneva Reporter

QUNO's August 2019 issue of the Geneva Reporter newsletter is available below. This issue features: an update from our Human Rights & Refugees programme on the important next steps after adoption by the UN of the Global Compact on Migration last December; ; highlights about our recent prevention activities for human rights and sustaining peace; approaches to people and nature centered climate policy; and a QUNO Q&A with our newest Representative, Joachim Monkelbaan.

Related Files


July 2019

Webinar: Quakers Coming Together to Care for the Earth

In July, QUNO's Representative for Climate Change Lindsey Fielder Cook and Adrian Halverstadt, Director of Evangelical Friends Church - North America, were featured in a webinar with other Quakers to share and discuss a recent video, Quakers Coming Together to Care for the Earth.  which showcases Friends from across Quaker theological traditions in North America sharing their personal testimonies on environmental justice, earthcare and stewardship.


Related Areas of Work

June 2019

Human Rights Based Climate Action

This leaflet was written to help decision makers better understand how a rights-based approach in forming climate policy will lead to more effective and fair action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).  The leaflet explains a ‘human rights based approach’, why it is advantageous for policy makers, and offers positive examples of successful rights based climate action in reducing GHG mitigation and adaptation. The leaflet was presented to negotiators at the climate negotiations (SB50) in Bonn, in June 2019.


Related Areas of Work

June 2019

Human Rights Based Climate Action

This leaflet was written to help decision makers better understand how a rights-based approach in forming climate policy will lead to more effective and fair action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).  The leaflet explains a ‘human rights based approach’, why it is advantageous for policy makers, and offers positive examples of successful rights based climate action in reducing GHG mitigation and adaptation. The leaflet was presented to negotiators at the climate negotiations (SB50) in Bonn, in June 2019.

Related Files


June 2019

Global Peace Index Launch

Florence Foster, QUNO’s representative for Peace & Disarmament was invited to speak at the 2019 Global Peace Index (GPI) launch – an index created by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) which ranks 163 countries according to levels of societal safety and security, militarization, and ongoing conflict.


Related Areas of Work

June 2019

Conscientious Objection submission to OHCHR report

While recognition of conscientious objection in national law is a huge step towards ending violations of the rights of those who refuse to fight, human rights based processes need to be in place to ensure that the right can be exercised in practice. On this basis the Human Rights Council mandated a report from the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, delivered in June 2019, that examines barriers to the right to conscientious objection and provides a checklist of  recommendations for States when implementing policy. This document is QUNO's contribution to the report.

Related Files


June 2019

Briefing Tools for Practitioners—Children: unseen victims of the death penalty

 The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) is committed to the abolition of the death penalty in all its forms. We believe that bringing light to the issue of the impact of the parental death penalty on children contributes to the broader abolitionist movement and can contribute to the eradication of the death penalty worldwide.

Related Files


April 2019

QUNO speaks during the first Intersessional seminar on the contribution of the HRC to the prevention of human rights violations

In April, QUNO's Florence Foster was invited to speak during the first Intersessional seminar on the contribution of the Human Rights Council to the prevention of human rights violations (resolution 38/18). Florence noted that human rights violations are both the cause and effect of destructive conflict, and they therefore play a central role in early warning, prevention of destructive conflict, and in providing the basis for accountability through to rebuilding societies.


Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
March 2019

The 2019 QUNO Review is now available online

Our new, March 2019 edition of the QUNO Review is now available for download. The annual report provides a brief introduction to QUNO and our way of working, as well as an overview of each of our programme areas. Learn more about our past year of our work and see where we are headed in 2019.


Related Areas of Work

March 2019

QUNO statements at the 40th Human Rights Council

At the 40th session of the Human Rights Council, QUNO delivered an oral statement (and submitted a written counterpart providing further information) focussing on the ways in which the sentencing to death or execution of a parent violates the best interests principle, particularly where the death sentence is mandatory, and often violates the child's right to non-discrimination. 

Related Files


March 2019

QUNO Geneva welcomes Joachim Monkelbaan

QUNO is pleased to welcome Joachim Monkelbaan to our Geneva office, as Representative for our new Sustainable and Just Economic Systems programme, which seeks to foster economic systems that deliver prosperity for all. Joachim brings 15 years of professional experience with organizations such as UN Environment, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), and the World Health Organization (WHO), among others.


Related Areas of Work

February 2019

Protection of the Rights of Children of Parents Sentenced to Death or Executed: An Expert Legal Analysis

This paper presents a legal analysis of the protection of the human rights of children of parents sentenced to death or executed. An earlier legal analysis by the Quaker United Nations Office explored the effects of parental imprisonment on the rights of the child. This analysis does not repeat the points made there regarding the effects on children when a parent is imprisoned, but instead focuses on the particular impact on the rights of the child of a parent’s death sentence or execution. 


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