
January 2024

Exploring Special Procedures to Enhance Conflict Prevention

‘‘Full compliance with human rights is the best antidote to the inequalities, unaddressed grievances and exclusion which are often at the root of instability and conflict,” said Volker Türk, the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights. 

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) shares this understanding of the inextricable link between human rights and peace. The protection and promotion of human rights is essential for achieving sustainable peace and in turn sustaining peace can help promote and protect human rights and create just and equitable societies. 


Related Areas of Work

January 2024

Finding Hope in Action: QUNO Programme Assistants Discuss Work Towards Peace in Israel and Palestine

When faced with situations of extreme destruction, violence, and loss like those the world has witnessed in Gaza and the Middle East over recent months, we are all challenged to find hope. On January 9, this challenge was addressed during a panel presentation for students from Columbia Theological Seminary on the role of young people in working towards peace in Israel and Palestine, in which QUNO Programme Assistants shared their experience of working at the UN over the past five months. 


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

QUNO marks International Migrants Day with a practical guide to safeguarding human rights

To commemorate International Migrants Day held on 18 December annually, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) is launching a practical guide as part of its Regional Migration Reviews publication series. International Migrants Day acknowledges the important contributions of migrants globally and recognizes the challenges they continue to encounter.


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

QUNO NY joins first ever CSO-UN Dialogue on Peacebuilding

QUNO NY joined a “CSO-UN Dialogue on Peacebuilding” from November 30th to December 1st. The Dialogue recognised the important role civil society organisations (CSOs) play in advancing local, national, regional and international solutions to build and sustain peace.


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

OPPORTUNITY: QUNO New York Programme Assistant Applications are Now Open

QUNO New York is now accepting Programme Assistant (PA) applications for the 2024-2025 year. QUNO New York works in close partnership with UN diplomats and officials to increase the global commitment to the UN’s role in building lasting peace. We believe that the UN will only fulfill this aspect of its mandate when its peace initiatives truly respond to community needs, and we seek to build bridges between the UN in New York and voices from the ground.

Status: Full - Time, Specific Term (12 months) Beginning September 1, 2024

Location: New York, NY


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

QUNO meets Quakers in Kenya

Quakers in Kenya shared local insights on ending plastic pollution with the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), following a major United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) meeting in that African country.

QUNO’s programme on Sustainable and Just Economic Systems (SJES) participated in the third session of the UNEP Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC) held in Kenya in November.

Related Areas of Work

December 2023

Diplomats Join Breakfast Briefing on Myanmar

On December 1, QUNO staff in New York kicked off the new month by hosting a breakfast meeting at Quaker House on the situation in Myanmar. The meeting brought diplomats together to hear a briefing by Min Zin, Executive Director of the Institute for Strategy and Policy, regarding the complex and rapidly evolving situation in Myanmar.


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

OPPORTUNITY: QUNO seeks a web designer

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) invites qualified vendors to submit a proposal to redesign and develop our new website.

QUNO has a strong preference for vendors with a demonstrated commitment and experience with diversity and inclusion concerns. We would also prefer a vendor experienced in working with international organisations.

Request for Proposals are being accepted on a rolling basis.


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

Intergenerational justice with this text is still at stake

The most difficult climate change Conference of Parties (COP) since the Paris Agreement (2015) has just finished. The mood in Dubai is sober and exhausted; there is little elation.  QUNO’s analysis will follow in the next days, but for now we can say that true urgency, equity and wealthy country leadership commitment remain deeply insufficient. Still, certain taboos on fossil fuels and international finance dysfunction are shifting, alongside improved focus on Adaptation and Loss and Damage.

Related Areas of Work

December 2023

Geneva Reporter newest edition online for download


Every few months, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva publishes the Geneva Reporter newsletter. In this latest December 2023 edition we share updates on our programmes, links to our latest publications and offer a message of hope. 

Geneva Reporter is freely available for download at the link further down on this page. We would appreciate it if you share it with anyone who might be interested in our work at the United Nations. Enjoy reading! 


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

Quaker United Nations Summer School 2024 - Applications Now Open

Quaker United Nations Summer School 2023 participants at their visit to the United Nations in Geneva; group photo in front of the flags

We are excited to announce the return of the Quaker United Nations Office Geneva’s Summer School (QUNSS)! Our 12-day residential programme takes place from 1-12 July 2024 at the heart of international governance in Geneva, Switzerland. Summer school brings together a diverse group of young individuals to learn about pressing international concerns, develop professional skills, and build a like-minded community.

Related Areas of Work

November 2023

Connecting Geneva and New York for human rights approaches to conflict prevention

Florence Foster moderating a panel discussion during Geneva Peace Week meets New York

“In the current multidimensional crisis, the social contract between governments and their people and between groups in society is eroding. The transformational potential of human rights in their entirety – economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights – are part of a just and sustainable solution to such problems.”      


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

New Report: Strategies for Asian Countries to End Plastic Pollution

Against the backdrop of Asia’s struggle with burgeoning plastic waste, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has published a new report that delves into the complex challenges and potential strategies for addressing this problem in the region.

QUNO’s report, ‘Trade and Plastics — Fostering Sustainable Development in South East Asia’, was issued by its Sustainable and Just Economic Systems programme this month (November).

It focuses on plastic pollution in Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam and highlights the pressing need for systemic changes. 


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

INC-3: Plastic pollution meetings need direction to avoid failure

The recent United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) meeting on ending plastic pollution raised concerns about the pace and direction of negotiations to finalise a legally binding treaty.

This was UNEP’s third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee — it was called INC-3 — and it concluded last week in Kenya, Nairobi. INC aims to gather various stakeholders to create an agreement that would hold governments accountable to enforce laws to curb plastic pollution.


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

The UN Faces a Crisis in Gaza

Over the past month, the United Nations (UN) has worked frantically to grapple with the unfolding crisis in the Middle East. 

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) staff in New York have been focused on the UN response to the deteriorating situation in the region and the unfolding emergency in Gaza. In partnership with other civil society organisations, we continue to push for the UN to lead in achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict.  


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

QUNO publication connects climate science with personal and political actions

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva has just published an updated version of ‘How to be a Hero for All Our Children,’ which is available in English, Arabic, and Spanish. It aims to connect people with the most recent climate science and suggests personal actions and questions for politicians.

Related Areas of Work

November 2023

Empowering Migrants: QUNO offers guidelines on meaningful migrant policy participation

The Global Compact on Migration (GCM) stands as a milestone in global governance of migration as it sets objectives and guiding principles to improve migration management. States committed to people centred migration policy and to developing national implementation plans. As part of the follow up and review process, the GCM’s Regional Reviews are set to begin in 2024, bringing countries together to discuss regional migration dynamics and assess progress towards implementation of the GCM.


Related Areas of Work

November 2023

QUNO publication communicates climate science

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva has just published an updated version ‘A Government Official’s Toolkit: Inspiring Urgent, Real, and Equitable Climate Action,’ which is available in English, Arabic, and Spanish. This publication is aimed at enhancing understanding and communication of climate change.

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