Geneva; Human Rights and Refugees; Human Rights Council; Migration and Displacement

July 2024

Human Rights of Migrants - action needed to end dehumanization

Migrants are rights holders, their human rights should be protected regardless of their contributions to society. This is the central message of report from the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants’ to Human Rights Council. The report emphasizes the need to transform harmful narratives about migration. These narratives draw on and contribute to dehumanization of migrants and feed human rights violations and abuses. Always a critical issue, the Special Rapporteur notes that disinformation often peaks before national elections.


Related Areas of Work

March 2024

Centering Migrants’ Voices in the Regional Migration Reviews

The second round of Regional Migration Reviews are set to take place throughout 2024 and 2025,  starting with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region.

The Regional Reviews allows Member States and stakeholders to assess the Global Compact on Migration (GCM) implementation - focusing on regional priorities, enhancing cooperation, and monitoring progress.


Related Areas of Work

June 2023

Joint call for the UN Human Rights Council to respond to the global pattern of deaths, torture and other grave human rights violations at international borders

As part of our work to end lethal disregard for people on the move, the Human Rights and Refugees Programme has collaborated to draft a joint letter calling on the Human Rights Council to undertake a global investigation into deaths, enforced disappearances, torture and other grave human rights violations faced by people in transit across international borders. Joined by 228 organizations (by 25 June), the letter highlights the global pattern of deaths and grave human rights violations in transit.


Related Areas of Work

June 2023

Joint call for the UN Human Rights Council to respond to the global pattern of deaths, torture and other grave human rights violations at international borders

As part of our work to end lethal disregard for people on the move, the Human Rights and Refugees Programme has collaborated to draft a joint letter calling on the Human Rights Council to undertake a global investigation into deaths, enforced disappearances, torture and other grave human rights violations faced by people in transit across international borders. Joined by 228 organizations (by 25 June), the letter highlights the global pattern of deaths and grave human rights violations in transit. The letter notes the interconnection of racism and human rights violations in transit.

Related Files


June 2023

Human Rights Council: Special Rappoerteur on Migrants Emphasises need for an International Monitoring Mechanism

On Monday 26 June, QUNO’s Laurel Townhead spoke in the in the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, calling on the Human Rights Council to respond dehumanisation of migrants leading to deaths and grave human rights violations in transit.


Related Areas of Work

October 2021

QUNO Releases Briefing Paper and makes a Statement at the 48th Session of the Human Rights Council on Racial Justice and Migration Governance

The Human Rights and Refugees Program (HRR) at QUNO Geneva is pleased to announce the release of its latest briefing paper titled: New Opportunities to Further Action on Racial Justice and Migration Governance. The paper outlines the new United Nations’ mechanisms for racial justice and highlights possible actions and links with migration governance.


Related Areas of Work

October 2021

QUNO is on the Road to the International Migration Review Forum

QUNO welcomes the publication of the UN Network’s on Migration’s Roadmap for the International Migration Review Forum. Work towards this Forum is well underway and we have published a paper outlining what the IMRF is. This is our first paper in a planned series on Migration Justice: Delivering on the Promise of the Global Compact for Migration.


Related Areas of Work

October 2021

QUNO Geneva presents its statement at the 48th Human Rights Council Session, calling for action on environmental injustice, the climate crisis, and highlighting inequalities for people of African descent


Building on the high emphasis of climate change on the High Commissioner's opening address to the 48th Human Rights Council (HRC) session, QUNO Geneva addressed the HRC under Item 9, addressing racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related forms of intolerance; and follow-up to and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.


Related Areas of Work

September 2021

New Opportunities to Further Action on Racial Justice and Migration Governance

The Human Rights and Refugees Program at QUNO-Geneva has begun to work explicitly on the intersection between racial justice and migration governance seeking to bring an anti-racist approach and analysis to our work on migration. The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline new UN mechanisms and highlight our initial ideas of possible actions and ways to engage during this time to further action on racial justice and migration governance.


Related Files


September 2021

Human Rights Council 48th Session Starts Online with High Commissioner for Human Rights’ Highlighting Environmental Crises, Migration and Displacement

QUNO Geneva is (virtually) attending the 48th session of the Human Rights Council with particular attention to the human rights of migrants, Indigenous Peoples, the death penalty, and the human rights impact of the climate crisis.


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