

Carrying forward the Quaker traditions of patient, quiet diplomacy at the United Nations and working for a more peaceful and just world.
July 2024

Departure of QUNO Geneva Director

We regret to announce that Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge left her post of Director of QUNO Geneva on June 30th 2024 to take up new challenges. She has served in this role for almost 3 years and contributed greatly to QUNO’s projects and development. The Quaker United Nations Committee wishes her the best in her future endeavors and is grateful for her valuable contributions to the organization.

Related Areas of Work

July 2024

QUNO Geneva seeks a Finance Officer

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), Geneva, is seeking a well-qualified, highly motivated, part-time Finance Officer to join its small staff team. Under the supervision of the Director, the Finance Officer has primary responsibility for the smooth financial administration of a small non-profit organisation, including ensuring bookkeeping and accounting functions, producing regular management accounts, and supporting the development of budgets for funding applications and financial reporting as required by donors. Full details and instructions on how to apply here.

Related Areas of Work

June 2024

Geneva Reporter newest edition online for download

Every few months, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva publishes the Geneva Reporter newsletter. In this latest edition we share updates on our programmes and links to our latest publications.

Geneva Reporter is freely available for download at the link further down on this page. We would appreciate it if you share it with anyone who might be interested in our work at the United Nations. Enjoy reading! 


Related Areas of Work

March 2024

QUNO Geneva invites applications for Programme Assistantships

Applications are now open for two programme assistant positions based at QUNO's office in Geneva from September 2024 to August 2025 working on: 

Human Rights & Refugees
Human Impacts of Climate Change

These are exciting opportunities for young professionals with an interest in international affairs to learn about and contribute to Quaker work at the United Nations.
They are open to Quakers and those in sympathy with Quaker values.

The closing date for applications is 21 April 2024. 


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

OPPORTUNITY: QUNO seeks a web designer

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) invites qualified vendors to submit a proposal to redesign and develop our new website.

QUNO has a strong preference for vendors with a demonstrated commitment and experience with diversity and inclusion concerns. We would also prefer a vendor experienced in working with international organisations.

Request for Proposals are being accepted on a rolling basis.


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

Geneva Reporter newest edition online for download


Every few months, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva publishes the Geneva Reporter newsletter. In this latest December 2023 edition we share updates on our programmes, links to our latest publications and offer a message of hope. 

Geneva Reporter is freely available for download at the link further down on this page. We would appreciate it if you share it with anyone who might be interested in our work at the United Nations. Enjoy reading! 


Related Areas of Work

December 2023

Quaker United Nations Summer School 2024 - Applications Now Open

Quaker United Nations Summer School 2023 participants at their visit to the United Nations in Geneva; group photo in front of the flags

We are excited to announce the return of the Quaker United Nations Office Geneva’s Summer School (QUNSS)! Our 12-day residential programme takes place from 1-12 July 2024 at the heart of international governance in Geneva, Switzerland. Summer school brings together a diverse group of young individuals to learn about pressing international concerns, develop professional skills, and build a like-minded community.

Related Areas of Work

October 2023

‘Joyous’ William Knox was a Quaker who spoke his mind

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) staff in Geneva sends condolences to the family of William Knox, who served for two years on their governance committee until his recent passing.

Knox passed away in early October at his adopted home in Penang, Malaysia.

Robert Gibson, a fellow QUNO Geneva governance committee member, plans to attend a memorial service for Knox in Oxford in England next week.

In a letter to the Knox family, QUNO Geneva staff wrote that “even from the Zoom meetings he brought with him his deep humanity, expertise and humour”. 


Related Areas of Work

October 2023

Quaker organisations call for a ceasefire and humanitarian protections in Gaza

Stop the violence and allow humanitarian access to Gaza — this is the strong call from Quakers from around the world in a statement issued this week.

The Quaker United Nations Office was among signatories to this statement, along with Quaker organisations that work on the ground in Palestine and Israel.


Related Areas of Work

September 2023

Climate change Global Stocktake must focus on human rights

As the United Nations-led Global Stocktake is being finalised, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has offered two submissions to this assessment of international action on climate change.

QUNO’s submission — available for download here — was made on behalf of the Quaker organisation, Friends World Committee for Consultation, which it represents at the United Nations (UN).


Related Areas of Work

August 2023

Geneva Reporter newest edition online for download

Every few months, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva publishes the Geneva Reporter newsletter. In this latest September 2023 edition we share stories about how our staff found their path to Quaker House in Geneva, report on our annual Quaker United Nations Summer School held recently, and have a Q&A with one of our programme assistants who is wrapping up a year of working with our Human Rights & Refugees programme.


Related Areas of Work

August 2023

Reflections on a year with QUNO

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) annually employs programme assistants to work with its Representatives at the United Nations (UN) for a year. 

This full-time position introduces young professionals, at the start of their careers, to the UN ecosystem, including other international organisations, diplomats and grassroots movements.

Yasmin Beldjelti was a programme assistant for the Human Rights and Refugees programme. She reflects on her year with QUNO, which ends in September 2023.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself?


Related Areas of Work

August 2023

Students work with QUNO towards just economic systems

Young people have over the years participated in Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) programmes in various ways.

QUNO’s offices in Geneva and New York annually employ programme assistants for a year to work with its Representatives at the United Nations (UN). Programme assistants research and write about developments in QUNO’s focus areas and assist with quiet diplomacy meetings at Quaker House from where QUNO works in close proximity to the UN headquarters in Geneva and New York.


Related Areas of Work

August 2023

Celebrating QUNO, keeping relations with Quakers

As the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) celebrates its 75th anniversary this year, it has been engaging in various ways with its most loyal supporters — Quakers.

Quakers are members of the Religious Society of Friends, an organisation founded on a historically Protestant Christian set of denominations and which is today a diverse global community.

Over the last few months, QUNO’s Geneva office has met regularly with Switzerland-based Quakers to strengthen relations and ensure they remain informed about its work at the United Nations.


Related Areas of Work

Event of Note
August 2021

Quaker United Nations Office Geneva names new Director

Following an international search process, the Quaker UN Office is delighted to announce that Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge has been selected as the incoming Director of QUNO Geneva. Nozizwe, a South African national, is a member of the Quaker Community in the Western Cape Meeting. She has broad experience in her home country and distinguished and influential service in government, civil society and advocacy. Nozizwe has an honorary Doctorate of Law from Haverford College, diplomas in microbiology and adult education, a degree in social science and an honours degree in philosophy.

Related Areas of Work

May 2020

QUNO Directors’ Letter on the Impact of COVID-19

Dear Friends,

The spread of COVID-19 has changed our world. We hold in the light those made ill by the new virus, their families and friends, and the dedicated people caring for all of us. Our hearts go out to the millions of people who are suffering as societies struggle to respond, including those who have lost their livelihoods and the most vulnerable among us.


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