A Call for Reparations by the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent

Last month, the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent met at the United Nations in New York for its 35th session. The December 2-6 meetings focused on the theme of reparatory justice; examining the factual and legal foundations for reparations, the frameworks for reparation claims, and the return of cultural artifacts and assets. Participants worked towards defining common principles and pathways for a global approach to reparatory justice in order to address historical injustices faced by Africans and People of African Descent.
Over the course of the week, QUNO New York attended discussions centered on repairing historical harms, ensuring adequate representation, and considering potential institutional and societal reforms. There was a shared understanding that the past and future of People of African Descent are deeply interconnected. Panelists voiced the need for reparatory justice that not only addresses the legacies of slavery, colonialism, and the transatlantic slave trade but also tackles the exploitation and marginalization of Africa and its diaspora. In her statement, Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, June Soomer, emphasized that reparatory justice must be holistic, multidimensional, and inclusive of cultural, gendered, and intersectional concerns.
Many faith-based organizations, including Quakers, have responded to the call for holistic reparations by focusing on initiatives that center the needs, voices, and perspectives of Africana communities. As the Second International Decade for People of African Descent begins, QUNO New York affirms the importance of addressing issues affecting the African diaspora and looks forward to the work that will be done during the fourth session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent which will take place in New York in April. The Forum offers a crucial, ongoing platform for dialogue and engagement around these issues.