Resources for:

Lynn Finnegan

December 2013

All voices heard: natural resources, conflict and company-community engagement

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights call for businesses to meaningfully engage with groups who will be affected by their business activities. Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of engaging with local communities throughout the process of a business activity, starting at the planning stages of a project. Civil society groups are advocating a shift from community ‘consultation’ to more meaningful models of community participation in planning and decision making.


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September 2013

Building Peace around water, land and food: Policy and practice for preventing conflict

Water and land are two of the key natural resources that shape billions of peoples’ livelihoods, food security, wellbeing and identity. Developing management of water, land and food that is equitable and peaceful is an increasingly challenging task due to a multitude of factors – such as resource degradation, population growth and violent conflict – that can fuel tensions and exacerbate vulnerabilities around natural resources.


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