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Past Work

January 2004

Patents, Trade and Food

This is a beginners' introduction about patents and other forms of intellectual property and how they can affect agriculture and food security. It refers to key actors working in this field and suggests ways that individuals can get involved.

Although published in 2004, its key points are valid today.



Related Files

January 2004

Patents, Trade and Development

This beginners' introduction to rules on patents, copyright and other forms of intellectual property describes how they affect distribution of wealth and power.  It describes what patents are, and how intellectual property rules underpin the control of, access to and use of technology, knowledge, medicines, seeds, biodiversity, scientific research and much more.

It suggests ways concerned individuals can get involved and points to other key actors working on these topics.

Although published in 2004, its key points are valid today.



Related Files

January 2004

Patents, Trade and Health

This non-specialist briefing paper describes how global rules on trade and patents can make medicines more expensive. It also describes how countries have sought to address this problem.

It suggests ways concerned individuals can get involved and points to other key actors working on these topics.



Related Files

January 2004

Bilateral Agreements and a TRIPS-plus World: The Chile-USA Free Trade Agreement

Focuses on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Chile and the United States of America (U.S.). The paper deals with broad aspects of trade, including general provisions establishing a free trade zone between the two countries, settlement of disputes, market access, services, investment, telecommunications and intellectual property (IP).

Its purpose is to contribute to a better understanding of TRIPs-plus issues, the specific contents of the FTA and the lessons that could be drawn from the negotiations between the most powerful and technologically advanced country in the world – with clear stakes in IPRs – and a small and dynamic developing country that has one of the most open and liberal economies of the Americas.



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December 2003

"Child Soldiers: Why Adolescents Volunteer": Written Statement to UN Commission on Human Rights

A written submission by Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers), to the 60th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights. It highlights the importance of understanding the reasons for which young people volunteer for armed forces and armed groups, citing the importance of such understanding for demobilizaton and long-term reintegreation efforts.

See also:


Related Files

December 2003

Multilateral Agreements and a TRIPS-plus World: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Discusses TRIPs-plus standards at the multilateral level particularly in negotiations at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

The World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) substantially changed the international intellectual property regime by introducing the principle of minimum intellectual property standards. This paper discusses WIPO's structure, decision making and mandate in relation to UN development goals, and its role in harmonising patent law standards. It also considers the TRIPs-plus concept and provides policy recommendations for a development orientated international intellectual property system.

This is TRIPs issues paper number 3, published by QUNO Geneva and Quaker International Affairs Programme (QIAP), Ottawa.



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November 2003

Paper on Adolescent Volunteers given at the Spanish Red Cross Conference, Valencia, Spain

This presentation highlights five major (but not exclusive) factors leading youngsters to join armed forces or armed groups without being coerced. These are: war, poverty, education, employment and family. It is important to understand these factors in efforts to demobilize/reintegrate former child soldiers.

Related Files

October 2003

Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in TRIPS

Analyses the special and differential treatment provisions in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPs) Agreement, assesses their implementation in support of development, and makes 10 recommendations for change.

These questions arise as differential and more favourable treatment of developing countries has been a fundamental principle of the General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade (GATT) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

This is TRIPs Issues Paper number 2, published by QUNO, Geneva and the Quaker International Affairs Programme (QIAP), Ottawa



Related Files

August 2003

Regional & Bilateral Agreements and a TRIPS-plus world: The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

Provides an overview, based on intellectual property rights negotiations in the Americas, of some of the implications of regional and bilateral Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPs) plus agreements for the current minimum standards under TRIPs. It discusses the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) in relation to TRIPs, and argues that the push towards ever-stronger IPRs threatens to undermine the balance achieved in many national laws and the capacity of developing countries to use flexibilities existing at the international level to achieve developmental and public policy goals.

This is TRIPs Issues Paper number 1, published by QUNO, Geneva and the Quaker International Affairs Programme (QIAP), Ottawa.



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June 2003

Multilateral agreements and a TRIPS-plus world: The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

In these issues papers, authors are invited to examine a subject of importance in the developing international intellectual property regime and highlight key issues they see arising. The topics have been chosen following consultations with negotiators from developing countries, and respond to their concerns. Our aim is to contribute to a greater understanding of the impact of changes in this area upon people’s lives and better inform debate and negotiations.



Related Files

June 2003

Regional and bilateral agreements and a TRIPS-plus world: the Free Trade Area of the Americas

In these issues papers, individual authors are invited to examine a subject of importance in the developing international intellectual property regime and highlight the key issues they see arising. The topics have been chosen following consultations with negotiators from developing countries and respond to their concerns. Our aim is to contribute to a greater understanding of the impact of changes in this area upon people’s lives and better inform debate and negotiations.



Related Files

April 2003

"Child Soldiers": Oral Statement to the 59th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights

This statement deals with the importance of understanding the specific experiences and needs of girl soldiers, and take these into account in policy and programme formulation.

See also The Voices of Girl Child Soldiers and Girl Soldiers: Challenging the assumptions.


Related Files

January 2003

Former Child Soldiers as Refugees in Germany

Published jointly with Terre des hommes Germany, this research concerns the experiences and circumstances of former child soldiers seeking asylum in Germany. It focuses on some of the problems these extremely vulnerable young persons face, and attempts to assess their needs. The study highlights challenges imposed by the asylum process, providing insights and recommendations that will be useful in other national contexts. The English edition, unlike the original German version, does not include detailed discussion on German asylum law and process, as it is intended for a broader audience.



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Related Files

January 2003

The Voices of Girl Child Soldiers

This set of publications focuses on the experiences of girl children who have been soldiers. It discusses the different circumstances under which different girls became child soldiers, the range of experiences during the period during which they were part of a fighting force, and their futures once they are no longer part of the fighting force.

In-depth interviews with former girl child soldiers were carried out in Angola, Colombia, Philippines and Sri Lanka.

See also: oral statement to 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, and Girl Soldiers: Challenging the Assumptions.



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Related Files

November 2002

Girl Soldiers: Challenging the Assumptions

This paper is based on QUNO’s research in The Voices of Girl Child Soldiers. It highlights those aspects of the research that add new dimensions and greater specificity to the problem of girl child soldiers, with implications for policy and programmatic issues.

See also this oral statement to the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights.

Related Files

November 2002

Juvenile Justice, Counter-terrorism and Children

This document deals with an aspect of the problem of child participation in armed conflict that is little explored and not well understood - how child participants in armed conflict, internal violence and other militarized situations are/should be treated by the justice system and by counter-terrorism legislation.



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