Areas of Work

Migration and Displacement

QUNO works at the international level to promote and strengthen the human rights of migrants and refugees. We seek to uphold the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of the reasons why they move and the status they may hold. We work on both refugee and migrants’ rights as we are committed to achieving migration systems that prioritize migration justice. This work is rooted in Quaker beliefs in the sacred in everyone, and we are dedicated to upholding the inherent value and agency of every human being.

Using our traditional methods of bringing together a diverse range of actors engaged in the human rights of migrants, we work with the UN human rights mechanisms, including the Human Rights Council, to advocate for strengthened standards for migrants and people on the move which are firmly rooted in international human rights principles. An important aspect of this work is ensuring the views of those affected by the issues we work on are represented and we are consistently looking for new ways to make this possible.

QUNO is actively engaged in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. This includes developing resources to support implementation, supporting engagement with reviews and working with the UN Network on Migration.

We also seek to connect with other Quaker work on migration and jointly with American Friends Service Committee, Britain Yearly Meeting, Friends Committee for National Legislation and the Quaker Council for European Affairs developed a statement of our vision for migration justice.

This aspect of the programme recognizes the structural inequalities and power structures including but not limited to colonialism, racism, sexism, classism that have led to and continue underpin the conditions we see today and aims to reflect this in our analysis and recommendations.

If you want to be added to our mailing list for monthly updates on the human rights of migrants which identifies news and opportunities in the human rights system and civil society networks, please sign up here or contact Human Rights and Refugees Programme Assistant, Kaya van der Horst at 


Recent Timeline Events

June 2023

Human Rights Council: Special Rappoerteur on Migrants Emphasises need for an International Monitoring Mechanism

On Monday 26 June, QUNO’s Laurel Townhead spoke in the in the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, calling on the Human Rights Council to respond dehumanisation of migrants leading to deaths and grave human rights violations in transit.


Related Areas of Work

June 2023

Joint call for the UN Human Rights Council to respond to the global pattern of deaths, torture and other grave human rights violations at international borders

As part of our work to end lethal disregard for people on the move, the Human Rights and Refugees Programme has collaborated to draft a joint letter calling on the Human Rights Council to undertake a global investigation into deaths, enforced disappearances, torture and other grave human rights violations faced by people in transit across international borders. Joined by 228 organizations (by 25 June), the letter highlights the global pattern of deaths and grave human rights violations in transit.


Related Areas of Work

March 2023

Ending lethal disregard for people on the move: working through the UN for migration justice

In line with our prioritisation of ending lethal disregard for people on the move as a core element of achieving migration justice, QUNO Geneva is engaging with both the UN human rights system and the UN migration governance architecture. 


Related Areas of Work