QUNO hosts third expert consultation on trade and investment in agriculture

From 1-2 April 2015, QUNO held its third Expert Consultation on a New Framework for Trade and Investment in Agriculture (NFTIA) at the Château de Bossey (pictured), near Geneva. QUNO hosted 17 participants, representing academics, trade delegates, civil society representatives, small-scale farmers and UN officials, from a total of 11 different countries.
The consultation focused on how to reconcile trade rules with policies designed to safeguard food security. Building on findings that emerged from previous consultations in the series, it explored how QUNO might develop an interactive tool that would allow various stakeholders, from policymakers to farmers, to determine if a particular food security measure would be permitted under existing World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations. The tool now exists in prototype form and is currently being populated with content, with the help of the consultation participants. QUNO hopes to demonstrate its functionality and utility at WTO and Committee for World Food Security events later this year.