
September 2022

FWCC/QUNO Submission to the Katowice Committee of Experts

FWCC/QUNO submitted in September 2022 a report to the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI). The Committee – which features representatives from each of the five UN regional groups, one member from the least developed countries, one member from the small island developing States and two members from relevant intergovernmental organizations - was established in 2018 to produce work on the impacts – both positive and negative - of responses to climate change taken by different actors. QUNO has been an observer of KCI meetings throughout the course of these years, advocating for responses that take human rights into account.

The reports focuses on best practice approaches to climate action. It also reflects how incorporating the human rights of people in poverty promotes environmental, social, and economic co-benefits of climate change policies. Our input to the KCI was grounded in three principles: what is 1)Fair, 2) Ambitious, and 3) Effective. Observations and examples of good/promising practices were made in the areas of energy; housing; planned obsolescence and life cycle of production; the impacts of transition on employment; and land use, including food waste and diet. 

The materials of the reports have also been shared with the United Nations Rapporteur on the extreme poverty and human rights. 

To read the full submission, click the link below.

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