From Geneva to Paris: One voice on rights for a just climate agreement

On September 24th 2015, QUNO is co-sponsoring a side event as part of the 30th session of the Human Rights Council.
In its last Resolution on climate change, the HRC has "expressed concerns that climate change has contributed to the increase of both sudden-onset natural disasters and slow onset events, and that these events have adverse effects on the full enjoyment of all human rights". Climate change is more and more likely to constitute one of the greatest human rights challenge of the century. The outcome of the UNFCCC COP21 in Paris can vitally contribute to the response to this challenge. Incorporating an effective human rights dimension in the universal and legally binding Agreement under negotiation at COP21 in Paris is thus of crucial importance.
The side event offers an opportunity to hear the joint call of constituencies of the civil society to include strong and effective human rights language in the Agreement in Paris and views of the States leading the UNFCCC process.