QUNO hosted events and released two new publications during the UN Climate Summit and the People's Climate March in New York

On 23 September, world leaders met in New York for the UN Climate Summit to highlight the urgency of acting on anthropogenic climate change. Civil society also played a vital role in this process, as demonstrated by the momentous People’s Climate March.
In addition to joining the march and hosting two intimate "quiet conversation" lunches with local faith communities, civil society actors and policymakers, the QUNO Human Impacts of Climate Change programme released two publications during this critical time.
“A Call to Conscience: Quaker experiences facing the challenge of Climate Change” profiles interviews with Quakers worldwide on why they care about climate change, and what they are doing to address the challenge locally, nationally and internationally.
QUNO has also drafted a “Quaker Statement on Climate Change,” which was signed by Quaker organizations and distributed to all Yearly Meetings worldwide. The Statement recognizes the moral duty of Quakers worldwide to respond to the challenge of climate change and calls for meaningful international action on anthropogenic climate change.