The Quaker UN Committee Geneva has ten members, five appointed by Friends World Committee for Consultation, four members appointed by Britain Yearly Meeting and one appointed by Quaker Peace & Social Witness Central Committee (QPSW CC) of Britain Yearly Meeting. This Committee sets the priorities for the work, and evaluates and monitors the work, reporting to the two parent bodies once a year. It meets twice a year, which before the Covid-19 pandemic was once in Geneva, once virtually. (The image shows committee members in their last in person meeting in 2019.)

New York
The Quaker United Nations Committee in New York has ten members, five appointed by the Board of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and five by Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) Executive Committee. The Committee is responsible for setting program priorities, recommending program plans and priorities to the AFSC Board of Directors, and monitoring and evaluating the work of QUNO New York.
Our work is made possible by funds received from numerous individuals and local Quaker meetings, as well as the following:
Principal donors
- American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
- Britain Yearly Meeting
Other Quaker Sources
- Alfred W. Braithwaite Fund
- Australia YM
- Canadian Friends Service Committee
- C B and H H Taylor 1984 Trust
- Centre Quaker International de Paris
- Clarence and Lilly Pickett Fund
- Dutch Quaker Hulpfonds
- Friends World Committee for Consultation
- German YM
- Home Rule Globally
- HT & LB Cadbury Trust
- Ireland YM
- New York YM
- Japan YM
- Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
- New England YM
- Pacific YM
- Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation
- Quäker-Hilfe
- Quaker Peace & Service Aotearoa/New Zealand
- Sir James Reckitt Charity
- Sweden YM
- Switzerland YM
- William A. Cadbury Trust
Other Sources
- Ptarmigan Trust
- Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs