
January 2024

Governments need to urgently and equitably transform root causes driving rising temperature

QUNO’s Human Impacts of Climate Change programme, speaking on behalf of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, this month participated in the 60th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Istanbul, Turkey. 

At this session, the panel was tasked with crucial decisions on IPCC’s finances and its work for the 7th Assessment Cycle. QUNO submitted three interventions: advocating for the need to focus on the transformation of root causes rather than feeding unhealthy reliance on fossil fuels through research on geo-engineering; for research that upholds the rights and knowledge of Indigenous peoples; and the inclusion of military emissions in IPCC modeling and greenhouse gas emissions reporting. 

QUNO’s specific interventions and a debrief analysis on the negotiations and results of the 60th Session are available for download. In addition, QUNO’s engagement is highlighted by the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, which is available for download. 

QUNO works to communicate IPCC findings to wider audiences to help empower urgent, transformative and equitable climate action. Since 2017, QUNO has been an active and sole independent faith-based observer of the IPCC.

The latest related QUNO publications include a toolkit for Government Officialsa people’s booklet, and submissions to the UN

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