
September 2023

UN Peacebuilding Commission gathers on peacebuilding and sustaining peace in an era of geopolitical transition

The Civil Society-UN Prevention Platform, which is co-facilitated by the Quaker UN Office in New York and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, submitted a written statement to the UN Peacebuilding Commission’s (PBC) meeting of Ministers held on September 22, 2023. The PBC gathering was focused on the challenging topic of ‘peacebuilding and sustaining peace in an era of geopolitical transition’. The goal of the special PBC meeting was to provide political guidance and build momentum for cooperation on the world’s shared challenges to peacebuilding and sustaining peace, and the role of the PBC. 

Ministers from around the world shared their national experiences and perspectives as well as key priorities for the PBC, alongside senior UN and World Bank officials. The CS-UN Prevention Platform called for strengthening partnerships between the PBC and independent civil society including local peacebuilders, increased resources, and field presence of the PBC, and overall strengthening the role and mandate of the PBC and its Chair. 

Key points from the debate included the need for predictable and increased financing to meet the needs of both the PBC and the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Many countries stressed the importance of prevention and advocated for expanding the PBC’s mandate to include conflict and violence prevention. Ministers cited the connections between violence and socio-economic issues, as well as climate change and human rights abuses in arguing for greater investment for prevention. Furthermore, investing in inclusion and the importance of multilateralism were highlighted in the quest to leave no one behind and ensure that all can benefit from sustainable peace. Minister Peter Tsiamalili Junior, from Papua New Guinea, highlighted the critical importance of ‘preventative diplomacy’ to address and deescalate tensions within and amongst countries and called for ‘peace by peaceful means’ by investing in peace and inclusion.  

The full discussion can be viewed here.

Photo Credit: Ana Marcela Cerdas Jimenez - DPPA/PBSO - 2023

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