
August 2024

QUNO NY Launches UN-Civic Space Research

QUNO NY gathered civil society representatives together for an intimate discussion on inclusion and participation at the UN on August 14th. The discussion centered around QUNO’s draft paper analyzing the current state of civic space at the UN and how agreed language from UN resolutions and past momentum for greater inclusion can be used.  

QUNO Programme Assistant Natalie Dewar and UN Representative Kavita Desai began this research in early 2024, inspired by difficulties in accessing information about and engaging in UN processes and in recognition of shrinking civic space at the UN. An inclusive and participatory UN is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDG 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels), which aims to ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels and develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions. 

Looking at past UN resolutions and best practices QUNO has identified a clear trend towards increasing inclusion and recognition of the role and partnership of civil society in UN processes before the COVID-19 pandemic. QUNO will continue to consult with partners and revise the paper which will be released before the end of 2024.  

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