
March 2022

QUNO welcomes OHCHRs report on achieving and upholding the principles of the UN Charter – HRC49

At the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council, Florence Foster, QUNO’s Representative for Peace and Disarmament delivered a statement to welcome OHCHR report 49/88 on the contribution of [...] all human rights [...] to achieving the purposes and upholding the principles of the UN Charter. 

QUNO welcomed the report’s emphasis on human rights as an indispensable foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and just world and as a cornerstone to a new social contract, but noted that the persistent disconnect between Geneva and New York inhibits addressing cross-cutting and contemporary challenges.

In light of the report, QUNO encouraged collaboration between the human rights and the peace and security pillars, including by inviting peacebuilding and violence reduction practitioners into human rights processes and by ensuring  human rights mechanisms are on a sustainable financial footing - enabling the UN system to address prevention, foresight and reshape responses to violence from a human rights based approach. 

For the full statement click here to watch on Youtube

For more on QUNO’s work on strengthening collaboration and system wide coherence between human rights and sustaining peace – please see our latest report on ‘Sustaining Peace: How can human rights help?’. The report highlights a range of opportunities and challenges in integrating sustaining peace and human rights approaches which serves as a reference document for reflection and learning among stakeholders in efforts to work together across all pillars of the UN system. 

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