
February 2022

Building Peace in Times of Crisis

Acknowledging that the world is moving towards increasingly complex crisis situations, which require ever more complex responses, the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has increasingly focused on the role of sustainable and people-centered strategies for peace within crisis. As a first step in this work, staff initiated a research and learning process, consisting of desk research and the implementation of a listening exercise engaging with colleagues working in the UN environment and globally to better unpack how peace is understood within the UN system as it seeks to develop policy and practice in crisis situations. The publication, Building Peace in Times of Crisis, is the culmination of this work. It outlines the learning, challenges and opportunities that emerged from QUNO’s research and highlights six recurring shifts that illustrate efforts already underway or that are needed to enhance the linkages between peace approaches and crisis response strategies: 

  • Organizational, corporate or leadership level shift 
  • Mindset shift 
  • Program development and management shift 
  • Capacity and skills development shift  
  • Partnerships shift 
  • Funding shift 

In addition to the full publication, QUNO has produced an Executive Summary of the report, which is available here


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