
September 2024

QUNO NY joins SDG16 webinar ahead of the Summit of the Future

QUNO NY Representative Kavita Desai, as a co-chair of the Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network #SDG16Now campaign spoke at pre-UN General Assembly webinar.  

The webinar provided members of the TAP Network with a preview of what to expect from the opening of the UN’s 79th Session in late September and reflections on the expected outcomes of the Summit of the Future. In addition to the information and analysis shared by speakers, QUNO Representative Kavita provided an overview of upcoming engagement opportunities throughout the year ahead including a review of the UN’s peacebuilding architecture and a process on financing for development.  

Coalition members shared their September plans and began brainstorming common advocacy themes for the year ahead. The TAP UN General Assembly toolkit and information about the leader’s week and the opening of the General Assembly is available online

A full recording of the webinar is available here

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