QUNO delivers oral statement on children of parents sentenced to death or executed

As part of our work to uphold the rights of children of parents sentenced to death or executed QUNO raises this issue in relevant UN meetings, highlighting legal developments and calling on all to act to limit their suffering.
With this in mind QUNO participated in the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council Item 3 General Debate. Human Rights and Refugees Programme Assistant Najmah Ali delivered an oral statement taking note of the reports by the UN Secretary General on the Question of the Death penalty and the quinquennial report on capital punishment. These reports both highlight the negative impact of the death penalty on children of parents sentenced to death or executed. QUNO has been working on the issue of children of incarcerated parents for almost 10 years and utilised this opportunity to urge States as well as sentencers, legislators and defence lawyers to utilise these findings to ensure the child’s best interests are a primary consideration when sentencing their parents. QUNO welcomed statements given by other states highlighting the need for complete abolition of the death penalty and was encouraged by a statement given by Belgium that took particular note of the impact of death penalty on children.